無論如何,這事情,跟前幾天發生在我家的事情,真的是,提醒大家,命,真的是很難說的。我知道,這些都是些廢話,說了也是白說,不過,人活久了,很容易 take for granted。忘了,能夠活著,是個 previlige。
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
大家,生日快樂 (STOLEN)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Hello Everyone, I am alive.
Hello everyone. I am glad that I can sit here in the office now Friday afternoon to write this post. Life is unexpected, and you will never know when you'll die. But regardless, I haven't, which is good.
Thursday, yesterday was a very interesting day... Today is EnTzu's Birthday, today is the day I go to the homeland security office to do my biometric collection for green card. Today is also the day my team, the test team, will sign off our product for CTP1 ( this means we will have the final say that our product is good to release to the public, finally, CTP means a preview version, traditionally called 'beta' )
So after I went to the biometric thingy, I still came back to the office because I knew that I have a few tests that failed and I need to get them working so my team can have the final say 'it's good, we can release.' so I got to the office around 4:30.
After a bit of work, everything was all good and happy by 6 pm. Then Diana, out of usual, actually has to stay later for her work. I decided to give yi lun who has been on training for the past 3 days a call and see if he's back home.
Apparently, timing was perfect, he just reached, unfortunately, again, out of usual, his car is out of battery. His car is like his second life. So I drove my car, dropped a few friends of his that he made in the trainning, and we WENT BACK TO MY APPARTMENT to get my jump start kit. ( as i am writing , I just realized that it's only a few minutes after that it happened. )
Then we came back to office, jump starts his car, went out to run for a while to cahrge the batter then came back to the office to wait for dinana. It is very very unusual for diana to stay that late especially for Thursday, because of her Grey's Anatomy show. So after she was done, we decided to get pizza and go to her place to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy.
After Grey's Anatomy, we watched something else, and around 11:30 pm, Yi lun said he's gonna go home. So we left.
Just right before we left, her TiVO recorded a piece of news, it was talking about how the cranes in bellevue have been having problems ( i think I heard killing people, but I am not sure ) and I even responded 'oh... man.. there are so many of those now in bellevue because of all the constructions)
then after I went home, I was rerouted when I arrived Bellevue, which is not very unusal, they rerout people all the time because of constructions everywhere. Then I made a few small turn, go into the stree of my building, "holy shit.... polices all over the place and the fireman..."
While I saw that crane right in front of my building, I really couldn't see if it hits MY appartment. After looking around a bit, I called yi lun and asked if I could stay at his place, because the whole building closed donw.
After I got to his place, we saw the news, then I realized that one person was killing for this incident.
Then after a few more shots, we couldn't really see where I actually live, and we kinnda assumed that it didn't hit my apartment, otherwise it would have shown it.
Now here you see the picture, thank I was not there, and thank got I live next to it. Acoording to the news, it happen around 7:45 pm.
Man... I seriously have been thinking about writing my will. You really don't know when you might die.....
I dunno why it's not show, so click on it, it'll show in a new window.

More photos here.
Thursday, yesterday was a very interesting day... Today is EnTzu's Birthday, today is the day I go to the homeland security office to do my biometric collection for green card. Today is also the day my team, the test team, will sign off our product for CTP1 ( this means we will have the final say that our product is good to release to the public, finally, CTP means a preview version, traditionally called 'beta' )
So after I went to the biometric thingy, I still came back to the office because I knew that I have a few tests that failed and I need to get them working so my team can have the final say 'it's good, we can release.' so I got to the office around 4:30.
After a bit of work, everything was all good and happy by 6 pm. Then Diana, out of usual, actually has to stay later for her work. I decided to give yi lun who has been on training for the past 3 days a call and see if he's back home.
Apparently, timing was perfect, he just reached, unfortunately, again, out of usual, his car is out of battery. His car is like his second life. So I drove my car, dropped a few friends of his that he made in the trainning, and we WENT BACK TO MY APPARTMENT to get my jump start kit. ( as i am writing , I just realized that it's only a few minutes after that it happened. )
Then we came back to office, jump starts his car, went out to run for a while to cahrge the batter then came back to the office to wait for dinana. It is very very unusual for diana to stay that late especially for Thursday, because of her Grey's Anatomy show. So after she was done, we decided to get pizza and go to her place to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy.
After Grey's Anatomy, we watched something else, and around 11:30 pm, Yi lun said he's gonna go home. So we left.
Just right before we left, her TiVO recorded a piece of news, it was talking about how the cranes in bellevue have been having problems ( i think I heard killing people, but I am not sure ) and I even responded 'oh... man.. there are so many of those now in bellevue because of all the constructions)
then after I went home, I was rerouted when I arrived Bellevue, which is not very unusal, they rerout people all the time because of constructions everywhere. Then I made a few small turn, go into the stree of my building, "holy shit.... polices all over the place and the fireman..."
While I saw that crane right in front of my building, I really couldn't see if it hits MY appartment. After looking around a bit, I called yi lun and asked if I could stay at his place, because the whole building closed donw.
After I got to his place, we saw the news, then I realized that one person was killing for this incident.
Then after a few more shots, we couldn't really see where I actually live, and we kinnda assumed that it didn't hit my apartment, otherwise it would have shown it.
Now here you see the picture, thank I was not there, and thank got I live next to it. Acoording to the news, it happen around 7:45 pm.
Man... I seriously have been thinking about writing my will. You really don't know when you might die.....
I dunno why it's not show, so click on it, it'll show in a new window.

More photos here.
Monday, November 13, 2006
這個與,實在是太 depressing 了。每天都昏暗昏暗的gloomy。做天突然看到一私陽光,沒有雨,跟一倫兩個人興奮的在車上狂叫,像個神經病一樣,整個對好天氣的標準完全降低到零點以下。
這個與,實在是太 depressing 了。每天都昏暗昏暗的gloomy。做天突然看到一私陽光,沒有雨,跟一倫兩個人興奮的在車上狂叫,像個神經病一樣,整個對好天氣的標準完全降低到零點以下。

這個星期六, Frank 搬家!怎麼上了班以後,身邊的人都是在完成一些人生大事?有人結婚,有人生小孩,好多人買房子,Frank 夫婦就是那個買了房子的其中一個。昨天星期六下午,我們一起到他家集合,將他的所有家當班上車,他是租了一部搬家的uhaul,我不知道原本的plan是不是要來個幾趟,後來,我們就乾脆把所有塞不玩得東西全部塞上我們的車裡,還來我也把我的車開來(我跟yilun carpool),最後一輛,uhaul,加四台自用車,塞滿滿,一個大車隊,一起浩浩蕩蕩的開到frank的新家。
Friday, November 03, 2006
喔!!! SURPRISE!!!

man........ yi lun and diana.... thanks so much for all the surprises.
Friday, Nov. 3, around noon, while I was struggling with a surprise break in my BVT ( for people who don't know, just take this as a quite serious issue at my work ), yi lun and dinan dropped in with a box thrown on my desk and "Happy Birthday." I was totally shocked... not only was my reaction was already slowed down because of the BVT failure.. and I was blank for a few senconds.. like "hun..........." dude.. "what???????????" my birthday was 10 days ago, we already celebreated and yi lun already made me a 'going to be gift' ( see * )
then I opened it up... it was a 'FUCKING' CELL PHONE. man... so sorry for my language.. but 'freaking cell phone' just won't expresss my surprise. WOW!!
apprently, they know me well that they got a sonyericsson phone that "looks" so awesome. this phone is not sold in the US ( surprise......... @_@ ) and they bought one that's imported on line, and.. turns out it's from saudi arabia hahaha....
man.. this is SO AWESOME.. thought this is not the best model sonyericsson right now, I LOVE IT. serously. it looks realy nice. and that's all it matters. GOOD LOOKING, and can dial a call...may..be.. can do sms which is not even that important for me hahahaha......
thanks guys....
* so... for yi lun's b day, me and diana made him a 'wii' out of card board paper... becaue wii is only going to be pre ordered in a couple days after his b day, and getting the actual machine NEXT WEEK, and we know it's some thing that he definitely wants to get... we made him one out of paper....
for me... yi lun knows that I am getting a pair of bluetooth head phone from logitech that is also only being pre ordered... so they yi lun insisted in making one of that out of paper as well.. so for my b day.. i got a pair of fake head phones... which I actually have gussed.. but I was definitely not anticipating another surprise of this phoen... :)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
so today is holloween. over the weekend, people on my team has been putting up decorations in the hall way to setup for halloween for today. I didn't do too much, wasn't too involved. i didn't know how much of a deal it really is.
over the weekend, I didn't do any celebration at all. unlike in college, I didn't go to any parties. and I actually didn't see any one dress up or any parties.
then today, Tuesday, is finally the day.. and man... we do get some really nice decorations. BUT. to me the real fun part is really not the decoration ( the decoraion is actually god damn fxxx annoying. imaging, all the halls ways are full of spider webs... -_-|| I literally was crawling the whole morning... or day.. ) , the real fun part was to see all the kids dress up..
GOD! THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE.... it's unbelievable how cute they are.
in college, you see crazy, funny, weird costumes... today... i see all the kids in costumes... so.. very very very cute... i'lll get some photo up later if I can. though I was shooting video all the time. it's such a very different halloween perspective.
over the weekend, I didn't do any celebration at all. unlike in college, I didn't go to any parties. and I actually didn't see any one dress up or any parties.
then today, Tuesday, is finally the day.. and man... we do get some really nice decorations. BUT. to me the real fun part is really not the decoration ( the decoraion is actually god damn fxxx annoying. imaging, all the halls ways are full of spider webs... -_-|| I literally was crawling the whole morning... or day.. ) , the real fun part was to see all the kids dress up..
GOD! THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE.... it's unbelievable how cute they are.
in college, you see crazy, funny, weird costumes... today... i see all the kids in costumes... so.. very very very cute... i'lll get some photo up later if I can. though I was shooting video all the time. it's such a very different halloween perspective.

my bath tub has been stucked for the past month, and it just get worse and worse to a point it's pretty much very disgusting.
so this weekend, I thought if I'd just open it up, and really clean it, water will go into the drain, and everything will be all good. Apparently, I was way wrong.
I almost called our service, but then I thought i'd give it one more try, and go buy those solutions that you can pour in it and it will clean the shit inside the drain for you and give you drain back.
of course, I didn't have much expectation, because in general, you hear people say that it's bull shit and it doesn't work.
so went to target, bought it, came home at night. put a little in it, which I was supposed to put all of them in it, but then it just didn't go in, and leaked out already. so I waited for about 10 minutes and went do my things, came back. OH!! it actually went down. So, I thought .. well.. maybe it's because it had a long time, so it does go down the drain as it does with normal water, just takes a long time, THEN, I pour almost the whole thing in... AND... IT ALL WENT DOWN!!!! at the end, still a bit of it leaked out, can couldn't go to, but after a wait of a few seconds, it went in again.
so I left it there for an hour just as the instruction says. then....OMG.. i came back, turn the hot water on ( as instructed... ) oh.... my ... god....... not only all the water went down the drain, with zero problem, I could actually even see the metal inside SHINNY!!!!!! IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!
I can't believe that it actually really works. ! I have my drain back, and I can do a little bath now ~ :)
Note: I told dinana the next day.. and she basically bought exactly the same solution before, and it totally DID NOT WORK. -_-"
i am a good boy.
I was again a good boy this weekend and have gone to gym to do a little badmiton and work out. I think i've been going in the past 3 weekends? maybe? I really really wish that I have the determination to go every other day, and do enough that could really puff my up, but i know i simply don't have that a bit at all.
Saturday night, yi lun called me up for "The Prestige".. hum.. it was an interesting movie which I didn't like. i guess i didn't like it because the movie was so dark from almost pretty much the very first minute. she first died. then he changed. and he was always bad. then he became so bad. and at the end everyone was all so bad... and finally he died... i mean... man.. it makes me so depressed...
Saturday was also interesting, cuz Yim visited me. I have not seen her for a long time ever since she moved to seattle and amazon. she's totally an very interesting friend. I just can't describe it, but it's just a really really interesting friendship. I know she probably doesn't have a bit of idea of what I am saying, but to me it's just a very interesting friendship. :) haha.
Saturday night, yi lun called me up for "The Prestige".. hum.. it was an interesting movie which I didn't like. i guess i didn't like it because the movie was so dark from almost pretty much the very first minute. she first died. then he changed. and he was always bad. then he became so bad. and at the end everyone was all so bad... and finally he died... i mean... man.. it makes me so depressed...
Saturday was also interesting, cuz Yim visited me. I have not seen her for a long time ever since she moved to seattle and amazon. she's totally an very interesting friend. I just can't describe it, but it's just a really really interesting friendship. I know she probably doesn't have a bit of idea of what I am saying, but to me it's just a very interesting friendship. :) haha.
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