恩慈小姐一直跟我說我應該要 update 我的生活,可是我最近的生活實在是沒有什麼好 update 的。基本上就每天上下班,然後一個星期還沒開始,星期五就到了,呵呵。沒有做什麼特別的事,沒有去什麼特別的地方,更沒有錢買新玩具,呵呵,所以還蠻無趣的。
再過一個多星期,王小姐就要來了,還挺興奮的,好久不見的老友,其實重點是,他來就代表我的假期也來了,呵呵。不過在他來以前,有個 project 要 due 所以有點悶。
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Canon SD1000
玩 PS3 玩瘋了
認識我的人應該都知道,在我許多很 gay 的 characteristics 裡,其中一條是我不打電動的。上個月為了我的hdtv,還有 bluRay DVD,我買了 PS3 還有一個遊戲,現在整個玩上癮了。前幾個星期,每天上班就想要趕回家打電動,打到整個左手拇指現在有點痲痹,哈哈。So Addicted。不過還好,整個遊戲目前算是差不多玩玩了,應該要朝下一個遊戲前進了。
eric 打電動?? 天塌下來了阿?哈哈
eric 打電動?? 天塌下來了阿?哈哈
mm... 拿到的時候有點不敢相信,看了又看,到底是不是真的綠卡。
mm... 不知道為什麼沒有特別的興奮,或心情。可能離我回台灣,還是有一點距離吧。
anyway... keep counting my days...
mm... 拿到的時候有點不敢相信,看了又看,到底是不是真的綠卡。
mm... 不知道為什麼沒有特別的興奮,或心情。可能離我回台灣,還是有一點距離吧。
anyway... keep counting my days...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
前幾個星期,小的小時候的初戀情人在 facebook 上找到我,我們大概十年沒有連絡了吧,很多話聊。每次跟老朋友聊天,都會解開許多多年的疑惑,也會得到一些從來都不知道的秘辛,這次也不例外。
So very interesting... :)
So very interesting... :)
Birthday 2007
生日前的那個星期五, Diana 約了要去他家吃火鍋,我就想,應該有些什麼的,果然沒錯,吃完飯,燈關起來,蛋糕端了出來,大家 ( diana, diana's mom, yi lun, henna, and ginny ) 給我唱歌過生日。就像 Diana 說得,跟去年一模一樣的橋斷。:D 我的生日是最頭痛的,因為是最後一個,能做的都已經在 Diana 跟 yi lun 的生日先做完了。不過 每次我的蛋糕都是最贊的,去年是 Cheesecake Factory Godiva Cheesecake 超贊,今年也是超贊! Hagan Daz 的蛋糕。 真是超好吃。yi lun 為了這個蛋糕,兩點才來上班。呵呵 henna 跟 ginny 送我 ipod fatty。 thanks lah~
生日那天,我的 team 剛好有活動,去打保齡球。其實我本來是不想去的,原本是想請個一天假的,不過我也想可能 team 會剛好幫我過個小生日(我們 team 最近常做這種事),所以不想要搞壞大家的計畫,我還是去了。果然不出我所料,是有個蛋糕在等著我,沒想到的是, Diana Yi-Lun 竟然也突然出現,出現就算了,更令人驚訝的是 Joy 跟 CJ 以來了。 CJ 會來也就算了,Joy 怎麼會來呢??真是太令人驚訝了。你想這樣的驚訝就夠了?他們還給我請了一個 Acappella 來唱生日快樂歌。就這樣,一群人在保齡球場盯著這四個人唱了兩三分鐘的歌給我聽。夠尷尬。
晚上當然要跟 Diana 還有 yi lun 吃個飯啦。在 Ruth's Chris, didn't guess it at all. Very nice choice, and very nice food!
結束了媽? 還沒~~高潮才要了
雖然說今天是 Grey's Anatomy , but they still decided to take me to a bar. I actually have wanted to go drink for a long time, but it's not that easy, cuz you'll need someone to drive. So they took me to this place ( Trillian ? ) in seattle, where they got pool as well. 有他們兩個做靠山,我今天就來者不拒,理所當然的一杯接著一杯,邊喝,我 pool 還贏了兩場,呵呵。他們都說我以後應該要一邊喝一邊工作會更有效率。七個 shot 後 去上個廁所,我就知道,是時候該走了。已經有要站不住了,一屁股坐在地上,還引來店家的關心,基本上是要趕我出去了。我自己走出了店,自己上了 Diana 的車。接下來就整個恍惚了,隱隱約約都聽的到他們兩個講話,可是從上車到到家,感覺上好像只花了五分鐘,我生命中的這二十分鐘就是莫名其妙的消失了。不過,到家了我是知道的,自己開了車門,就“滾" 出車子,已經快吐了,滾出車外後,就在家外的柏油路上躺了一陣,等一倫開門,他該了們以後,我就爬進去,然後爬著往一樓的廁所衝, PAHN 一聲,摔進一樓的廁所,準備要吐。結果沒有。然後又自己爬出來,然後 SOMEHOW ( i really don't know how) 自己又爬到三樓,然後又 PAHN 摔進廁所,終於,吐出來了。吐完 yi lun 就放心了,呵呵,後我就讓他們回家了。
其實我隔天還要去看醫生,到了 clinic 還有一點小暈,呵呵。
Anyway... it was a lot of fun being that drunk. Thanks a lot to you guys! 喔,膝蓋整個就是撞瘀青了,哈哈哈!!
結束了媽?? 還沒ㄝ!
星期天,Diana 跟他媽來我家看星光大道,竟然又帶了個蛋糕來。他們竟然還跟我說,喔,還沒結束喔~~
跟去年一樣,我的生日總是過很久,照這兩位的說法,我的生日還沒過完,因為他們要給我的生日禮物,還沒有到。This is very interesting. We'll see 他們兩個葫蘆裡賣什麼藥。 :)
And Thanks to all who have called. :)
生日前的那個星期五, Diana 約了要去他家吃火鍋,我就想,應該有些什麼的,果然沒錯,吃完飯,燈關起來,蛋糕端了出來,大家 ( diana, diana's mom, yi lun, henna, and ginny ) 給我唱歌過生日。就像 Diana 說得,跟去年一模一樣的橋斷。:D 我的生日是最頭痛的,因為是最後一個,能做的都已經在 Diana 跟 yi lun 的生日先做完了。不過 每次我的蛋糕都是最贊的,去年是 Cheesecake Factory Godiva Cheesecake 超贊,今年也是超贊! Hagan Daz 的蛋糕。 真是超好吃。yi lun 為了這個蛋糕,兩點才來上班。呵呵 henna 跟 ginny 送我 ipod fatty。 thanks lah~
生日那天,我的 team 剛好有活動,去打保齡球。其實我本來是不想去的,原本是想請個一天假的,不過我也想可能 team 會剛好幫我過個小生日(我們 team 最近常做這種事),所以不想要搞壞大家的計畫,我還是去了。果然不出我所料,是有個蛋糕在等著我,沒想到的是, Diana Yi-Lun 竟然也突然出現,出現就算了,更令人驚訝的是 Joy 跟 CJ 以來了。 CJ 會來也就算了,Joy 怎麼會來呢??真是太令人驚訝了。你想這樣的驚訝就夠了?他們還給我請了一個 Acappella 來唱生日快樂歌。就這樣,一群人在保齡球場盯著這四個人唱了兩三分鐘的歌給我聽。夠尷尬。
晚上當然要跟 Diana 還有 yi lun 吃個飯啦。在 Ruth's Chris, didn't guess it at all. Very nice choice, and very nice food!
結束了媽? 還沒~~高潮才要了
雖然說今天是 Grey's Anatomy , but they still decided to take me to a bar. I actually have wanted to go drink for a long time, but it's not that easy, cuz you'll need someone to drive. So they took me to this place ( Trillian ? ) in seattle, where they got pool as well. 有他們兩個做靠山,我今天就來者不拒,理所當然的一杯接著一杯,邊喝,我 pool 還贏了兩場,呵呵。他們都說我以後應該要一邊喝一邊工作會更有效率。七個 shot 後 去上個廁所,我就知道,是時候該走了。已經有要站不住了,一屁股坐在地上,還引來店家的關心,基本上是要趕我出去了。我自己走出了店,自己上了 Diana 的車。接下來就整個恍惚了,隱隱約約都聽的到他們兩個講話,可是從上車到到家,感覺上好像只花了五分鐘,我生命中的這二十分鐘就是莫名其妙的消失了。不過,到家了我是知道的,自己開了車門,就“滾" 出車子,已經快吐了,滾出車外後,就在家外的柏油路上躺了一陣,等一倫開門,他該了們以後,我就爬進去,然後爬著往一樓的廁所衝, PAHN 一聲,摔進一樓的廁所,準備要吐。結果沒有。然後又自己爬出來,然後 SOMEHOW ( i really don't know how) 自己又爬到三樓,然後又 PAHN 摔進廁所,終於,吐出來了。吐完 yi lun 就放心了,呵呵,後我就讓他們回家了。
其實我隔天還要去看醫生,到了 clinic 還有一點小暈,呵呵。
Anyway... it was a lot of fun being that drunk. Thanks a lot to you guys! 喔,膝蓋整個就是撞瘀青了,哈哈哈!!
結束了媽?? 還沒ㄝ!
星期天,Diana 跟他媽來我家看星光大道,竟然又帶了個蛋糕來。他們竟然還跟我說,喔,還沒結束喔~~
跟去年一樣,我的生日總是過很久,照這兩位的說法,我的生日還沒過完,因為他們要給我的生日禮物,還沒有到。This is very interesting. We'll see 他們兩個葫蘆裡賣什麼藥。 :)
And Thanks to all who have called. :)
Monday, November 12, 2007
整部片,從頭悲到尾,沒有一點喘息的空間,回想起來,難過我看完會那麼累,整個心情一直是不安,不確定感,而每一個懸疑,最後都是悲劇收場,down 的好累。
我想,我應該會給色戒這個這麼深的 delay effect 四點五顆星吧。
跳 tone: 我覺得應該找周董也去參衣角,這樣就 ABC,中國,台灣,廣東四種腔都有了。
整部片,從頭悲到尾,沒有一點喘息的空間,回想起來,難過我看完會那麼累,整個心情一直是不安,不確定感,而每一個懸疑,最後都是悲劇收場,down 的好累。
我想,我應該會給色戒這個這麼深的 delay effect 四點五顆星吧。
跳 tone: 我覺得應該找周董也去參衣角,這樣就 ABC,中國,台灣,廣東四種腔都有了。
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
It is Saturday night, 10:58 pm, I am writing this blog with my Powerbook, sitting on my sofa in the living, while Dave Matthew & Tim Reynolds playing crazy on BluRay on my 46 inch Bravia, at the same time my Quad Core MacPro is crunching number to help the world folding protiens, after I just played almost two hours of PS3. "So Damn Lucky," I am, I quote Dave Matthew's song title. I am so damn lucky to have this moment in life to enjoy so much.
- who's willing to take the other seat next to me?
- who's willing to take the other seat next to me?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Finally a new desktop.
I have not had a desktop ever since my old baby was stolen. If it weren't stolen, it'd be 7 year old by now. Constrain on both budget and waiting on new mondel have made me wait 'til now, and after much research I have finally ordered my new desktop last week, it arrived on Monday, and I am finally back to someone who looks more like a CS dude.
One note, normally, i'd order the best one that I can get on the market, but this time everyone I talked to, forum, or reviews on line have totally convinced me that it is not worth it to get the best one. I am proud of myself for making this decision. :)
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
1GB 667 DDR2 FB DIMM ECC-2x512
4GB 667 DDR2
ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB
250GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s drive
2 x 500GB Serail ATA 3Gb/s drive
2x16x SuperDrive DL
Airprt Extrm & BT 2.0+EDR
Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse
One note, normally, i'd order the best one that I can get on the market, but this time everyone I talked to, forum, or reviews on line have totally convinced me that it is not worth it to get the best one. I am proud of myself for making this decision. :)
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
1GB 667 DDR2 FB DIMM ECC-2x512
4GB 667 DDR2
ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB
250GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s drive
2 x 500GB Serail ATA 3Gb/s drive
2x16x SuperDrive DL
Airprt Extrm & BT 2.0+EDR
Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse
Sunday, September 16, 2007
PS3 Makes me Cry and Wet my Pants
After so much long struggle and discussion with a bad friend, yi lun, I have finally surrendered my credit card to a PS3. Yi lun's supposed to get a 52" TV, but his proposal was denied by people high above. This buy or not to buy torture has been a game that I play lately with a couple of different things, including the infamous iphone. However, while I am not sure if yi lun is the devil or the angel, Diana has easily talked me out of the iPhone. Unfortunately, she didn't have a chance to participate in the PS3 story, therefore, a PS3 was finally brought home on Sunday. I can assure you this buy or not to buy game is horrible to play.
But I must say, it is so good. The game, the blueray movie, and the surround for both movies and games, and video on my TV, OMG, seriously makes me wanna cry. And just so you know, yi lu ( even though you don't read my blog ), I did not regret getting a PS3 over a combo drive, at least so far I have not. :)
But I must say, it is so good. The game, the blueray movie, and the surround for both movies and games, and video on my TV, OMG, seriously makes me wanna cry. And just so you know, yi lu ( even though you don't read my blog ), I did not regret getting a PS3 over a combo drive, at least so far I have not. :)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
what's the odd of this?
This weekend was a long weekend for labor day. Sunday, Henna and I went to a lame beach, and in the eveining on the way back, we met up with her friend Lore to walk their dogs. Then we had dinner with Lore and her friend and brother. After dinner, I was going to go see shin kwang da dao, but I thought I should social a bit, so I went to bubble with them. then while we had no games to play, we chatted, then some how the topic went on about age, and we found out that Lore's brother ( from taiwan ) was born, Oct. 25 1981. And he's also blood type A.
what's the odd of meeting someone random the same birthday half way around the earth?
what's the odd of meeting someone random the same birthday half way around the earth?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
今天是值得紀念的一天,我拿到人生的第一個 promotion。雖然說從我原本的level升到現在的level並不是太大的大事,但是他還是我的第一個promotion,還是很高興。這樣接下來的日子每個月也可以多個幾塊錢可以花(literally)。進去老闆的office前超緊張,因為如果這次沒拿到,就又要等整整一年。真是鬆了一口氣。
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
我愛的人 - 陳小春 林宥嘉
我愛的人 陳小春
作曲: 周杰倫 作詞: 施人誠
我愛的人 不是我的愛人
她心裡每一寸 都屬於另一個人
她真幸福 幸福得真殘忍
讓我又愛又恨 她的愛怎麼那麼深
我愛的人 她已有了愛人
從他們的眼神 說明了我不可能
每當聽見 她或他說 '我們'
就像聽見愛情 永恆的嘲笑聲
我愛的人 陳小春
作曲: 周杰倫 作詞: 施人誠
我愛的人 不是我的愛人
她心裡每一寸 都屬於另一個人
她真幸福 幸福得真殘忍
讓我又愛又恨 她的愛怎麼那麼深
我愛的人 她已有了愛人
從他們的眼神 說明了我不可能
每當聽見 她或他說 '我們'
就像聽見愛情 永恆的嘲笑聲
Thursday, July 12, 2007
just came back from Las Vegas. Parents and I and Yi lun. Our team was doing some office rearrangement, so we got 2 days of fake vacation, plus the weekend. It was SO hot, but it's definitely diff. kind of hotness from TW. We als walked SO much. visited pretty much every single hotel on Las Vegas Blvd. It was a really nice trip. We also saw "O" and blueman group. Dinana suggestd O, and it was so awesome. And blueman group, kinda fullfill my wish to take my parents to see. This ones was very nice, about half of the show was new that I have not seen, so that was great. both shows are highly recommended must see!!
O... and of course... gambling... well... we played mostly the slot mcachines with 1 cent. HAHA. and we played a little bit of blackjack. yi Lun made a bit more than 300 dollars. My parents and I made about.. nothing. haha.. evened out i think.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
要怎麼樣,才會一直擁有呢? 一定只能珍惜曾經嗎?
要怎麼樣,才會一直擁有呢? 一定只能珍惜曾經嗎?
Yi-Lun has been sick ever since he came back from China, and finally yesterday he was able to go to a doc appointment that he made 3 weeks ago forced by us. The doc prescribed some med for him, and here in the US, Walgreen is one popular place for you to pick up your meds.
So we went there last night, the moment I entered it, there was this one funny feeling.. then all of a sudden, I realized that it's the College nostalgia feel. Havn't been there for so long, and that was THE place to go during college.
So we went there last night, the moment I entered it, there was this one funny feeling.. then all of a sudden, I realized that it's the College nostalgia feel. Havn't been there for so long, and that was THE place to go during college.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
阿~~當然拉,這星光大道一定是要看的。 :D
Diana 說我很台,呵呵。他自己也看得很爽。
Anyway ,我想要說得不是誰唱的好,誰會贏,只是這個節目讓我知道很多很贊的歌,還有歌手。我以前從來不知到戴愛玲,在星光大道看他唱完後,真是嚇到。我也又給了曹格鹹魚翻身的機會。以前我還挺看不起這幾個新歌手的,潘偉柏,tank,曹格,張棟樑,還有一些有的沒有的,有些還真是醜,我看自從周董後,藝人不醜是不能出道。離題了,in any case,我看完星光大道後,也多看了幾個曹格的mv,好吧,覺得他的歌還不錯,唱功的確也還不錯,而且是他自己寫的,這樣可以多加幾分。
Diana 說我很台,呵呵。他自己也看得很爽。
Anyway ,我想要說得不是誰唱的好,誰會贏,只是這個節目讓我知道很多很贊的歌,還有歌手。我以前從來不知到戴愛玲,在星光大道看他唱完後,真是嚇到。我也又給了曹格鹹魚翻身的機會。以前我還挺看不起這幾個新歌手的,潘偉柏,tank,曹格,張棟樑,還有一些有的沒有的,有些還真是醜,我看自從周董後,藝人不醜是不能出道。離題了,in any case,我看完星光大道後,也多看了幾個曹格的mv,好吧,覺得他的歌還不錯,唱功的確也還不錯,而且是他自己寫的,這樣可以多加幾分。
My Google Ads
so.. people might realize that I added this google ad banner on top. and.... man.. this ads are ODD!! i got "洗面奶" and “減肥食品"
HUN ?? how do my posts relate to these???
HUN ?? how do my posts relate to these???
Holy Carp, been a month.
Wow. So it's been a month that I have written anything. Two weeks ago I was seriously really very busy, for about a month. Many days I stayed 'til like 6 am. Even our counter part colleagues in TW were off work at that time, hahaha. So that's kinda done, the coming month should be lighter. and it's SUMMER!!
But honestly, that's not entirely why i have not been writing, though. There actually has been much that I could write, but everytime I see my laptop, or think about writing, I held back. The why is pretty simple, there are like 3 people who I know that read this blog, and these are not the people who i'd hope to read about it. And surely obviusly people that I'd hope that would see the posts do not come anywhere near the posts. sigh.....
Anyway.. so life has come back to track. My jet lag from work is also gone. Work is kinda boring. but it's all good. :)
But honestly, that's not entirely why i have not been writing, though. There actually has been much that I could write, but everytime I see my laptop, or think about writing, I held back. The why is pretty simple, there are like 3 people who I know that read this blog, and these are not the people who i'd hope to read about it. And surely obviusly people that I'd hope that would see the posts do not come anywhere near the posts. sigh.....
Anyway.. so life has come back to track. My jet lag from work is also gone. Work is kinda boring. but it's all good. :)
Monday, June 04, 2007
Companion® 3 Series II multimedia speaker system
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Busy like hell
最近真是忙到"爆" 這幾天每天都只睡平均四個小時,上面的 schedule 根本就是搞笑。做的到是神。
and it's also pretty interesting ( well INteresting) to see politics in a work place, between groups and stuff.
getting pretty frustrated.
but I am all good, no worries.
and it's also pretty interesting ( well INteresting) to see politics in a work place, between groups and stuff.
getting pretty frustrated.
but I am all good, no worries.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
spiderman 3
hum... howcome no one links piderman3 ?? i think for the movies of this kind i have seen in the past year or two, this was the best, compared to superman, x man, and pirates or huo yuan jia. I thought the story was good, good ending, very intense, good fight scenese....
well.. apprently, no one agreed with any of the points I raised... -_-"
我從來沒有想過我有一天會花錢去看脫口秀。這種極度需要文化背景才能享受的娛樂,我這個不黃不白的半瓶醋,通常是聽不懂笑不出來的。But, Diana 去年跟我看了 Russell Peters 的秀,還真是好笑,這麼巧,他上個星期六來 Seattle ,我們三個就去看了。
OMG! It was so! Awesome! I have never ever went to a show ( any kind of show ), where I laughed non - stop from the beginning to the end. I was SOO tired from LAUGHING. It was crazy! so good.
眉批(是是是,學你們的):I think it's because most of he jokes are culturally related, which I can relate very easily, instead of making fun of political stuff, or current news stuff, so I can actually enjoy it. Awesome!
for people who have not seen it,
Russell Peters at Intense Comedy Night (NYC - 2004)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Google Bitch
Man... looks like I am going to be a google bitch if not sometime soon, one day... I can do evertyhing with google. right now I pay 99 dollars a year , to have a .Mac account, so I can sync my bookmarks, address book, and some web page hosted at www.mac.com... but.. google does everything for free... I can sync/store my bookmarks, addressbook, calendar, mail, share photos and stuff all with google. now.. the only one thing that's missing is one software that will do all the syncing from one place.. and neat web templates for me to create some simple web pages if I need one. most importantly, all these are free... so.. i think i'll become a google bitch pretty soon...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
這個月來,在忙些什麼?在忙搬家,中間這一個月的 detail 先不說,但上上個週末(4/21),我終於搬家了,上個星期,就在搞些接電是啦 internet 拉,等人來修東西啦,有的沒有的一大堆,然後這個週末,終於 unpack 差不多好了,洗了大概快一罐洗衣精的東西,洗車(現在可以在家裡洗車!!),洗沙發套,擦地,快要變成專業清潔供了。
新家還蠻贊的,下次在給多一點 detail。 :)
新家還蠻贊的,下次在給多一點 detail。 :)
星期五,下班,我們去 Seattle 的一間日式西餐廳吃飯,晚餐中,有著 hot discussion regarding 一倫的不正常生活作息,然後吃完飯,我刷卡,簽完名,三個人一起站起來,走人,這次可好了,帶安娜說“阿你們兩個人都手機都不要是不是??“ !!當時真是超經典,還真是第一次兩個人都忘了,就要走人。餐廳在二樓,三個人就一路笑,一路再給帶安娜糗,糗到一樓。
然後,就在開大門的那一剎那"oh shit"然後看著 帶安娜小姐,走回餐廳,這次,他自己,忘了他打包的食物。
星期五,下班,我們去 Seattle 的一間日式西餐廳吃飯,晚餐中,有著 hot discussion regarding 一倫的不正常生活作息,然後吃完飯,我刷卡,簽完名,三個人一起站起來,走人,這次可好了,帶安娜說“阿你們兩個人都手機都不要是不是??“ !!當時真是超經典,還真是第一次兩個人都忘了,就要走人。餐廳在二樓,三個人就一路笑,一路再給帶安娜糗,糗到一樓。
然後,就在開大門的那一剎那"oh shit"然後看著 帶安娜小姐,走回餐廳,這次,他自己,忘了他打包的食物。
Thursday, April 26, 2007
今天看到陳容婕小姐,我也心血來潮的跟他說了個 hi,沒想到一聊就是一個多小時。
我真的很珍惜這一些友誼,我猜想,並不是每個人都可以維持這樣子特別的友誼的,大家最後一起生活,是十二歲,接下來的十多年,只見過幾次面,但是可以在二十五歲的時候某一天晚上,就這樣聊個一個多小時,應該事件很不容易的事吧。(還是,是因為他小時暗戀我的關係 :p ,啊呀,必須要說一下,就像我跟他說得,我小學的時候桃花都用光了,現在都沒人愛了,呵呵)
我真的很珍惜這一些友誼,我猜想,並不是每個人都可以維持這樣子特別的友誼的,大家最後一起生活,是十二歲,接下來的十多年,只見過幾次面,但是可以在二十五歲的時候某一天晚上,就這樣聊個一個多小時,應該事件很不容易的事吧。(還是,是因為他小時暗戀我的關係 :p ,啊呀,必須要說一下,就像我跟他說得,我小學的時候桃花都用光了,現在都沒人愛了,呵呵)
Friday, April 20, 2007
老朋友應該都還記得小的以前的網站吧。自從從學校畢業以後,就四處流浪,沒有固定的住所,各個地方的網路設備又有所不同,增加架設網站的困難度,再加上去年來到西雅圖後,跟著我四年的電腦就這樣被偷了,這五六年來的所有資料,包括網站的所有檔案全部蒸發掉,所以,就在剛入社會,經濟拮据的狀況下,沒有在繼續註冊小的使用幾年的網址 laushu.idv.tw
今天心血來潮,想說看看有沒有人會註冊這個網址,真是沒想到,還真的是有人在今年二月註冊了這個網址,...且..... 搞了成人網站。 雖然我現在是無法看到這個網站的內容,但是 google 大神有所記錄。如果 google laushu.idv.tw ,幾頁後,就會看到與成人交友有關的網站。
今天心血來潮,想說看看有沒有人會註冊這個網址,真是沒想到,還真的是有人在今年二月註冊了這個網址,...且..... 搞了成人網站。 雖然我現在是無法看到這個網站的內容,但是 google 大神有所記錄。如果 google laushu.idv.tw ,幾頁後,就會看到與成人交友有關的網站。
Monday, April 02, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
拖了將近一年,今天,終於把我那 1991 的 Toyota Corolla 捐掉了。
這車是我在畢業後,回 wisconsin 買的,帶著我跟艷琳去了不少地方。開了半年後還被運到 Seattle ,到了 seattle 竟然還讓我開了半年,真很難相信那部破車竟然讓我開了這麼久,雖然說老實話,我還常在路上看到同款車。
這車是我在畢業後,回 wisconsin 買的,帶著我跟艷琳去了不少地方。開了半年後還被運到 Seattle ,到了 seattle 竟然還讓我開了半年,真很難相信那部破車竟然讓我開了這麼久,雖然說老實話,我還常在路上看到同款車。
Monday, March 05, 2007
mama and papa gone again
Sat. 1 am, mama and papa flew back again. Friday. 8 pm we actually went to a concert that was my present for my mom's b day. A pianist who I do not know played beethoven Concerto 4, and 5. It was pretty nice, though the french horn made a huge boo boo on his major solo. Apparently this guy is insane, and in 1 week, he plays beethoven's piano concerto 1, 2, 3, 4,5 TWICE.
Saturday we took Ivy our teammate locastes in Taiwan around. at night we went to Frank's place for dinner.
Sunday, I went to Target and get shampoo and all that stuff, meant to work and go to pro club later in the after noon, but yim called for a MS Tour so yi lun and I had to do a MS tour. at 6 we HAD to watch 3 episodes of Grey's anatomy. We have to, if we don't diana would literally kill me into pieces. then I went to pro club, be a good boy, lifted some weight, then went to work for a little.
this 3 parter grey's anatomy didn't top Code Black. But it was still kinda hard. Imaging any of your being Grey for 2 seconds, tears would fall. I can't' imaging that. I love you. And some of you I think of everyday, which is really great, but it sucks...
yes yes yes.... this is a very boring entry. it has gone back to my orignal intend of recording my life in 流水帳 before I lose all my entries previously. damn... i wish I have 1/10 of 酪梨壽司的文筆。
Saturday we took Ivy our teammate locastes in Taiwan around. at night we went to Frank's place for dinner.
Sunday, I went to Target and get shampoo and all that stuff, meant to work and go to pro club later in the after noon, but yim called for a MS Tour so yi lun and I had to do a MS tour. at 6 we HAD to watch 3 episodes of Grey's anatomy. We have to, if we don't diana would literally kill me into pieces. then I went to pro club, be a good boy, lifted some weight, then went to work for a little.
this 3 parter grey's anatomy didn't top Code Black. But it was still kinda hard. Imaging any of your being Grey for 2 seconds, tears would fall. I can't' imaging that. I love you. And some of you I think of everyday, which is really great, but it sucks...
yes yes yes.... this is a very boring entry. it has gone back to my orignal intend of recording my life in 流水帳 before I lose all my entries previously. damn... i wish I have 1/10 of 酪梨壽司的文筆。
becoming professional seattle tour guide
Saturday, we took one of our team mate who actually locates in taiwan around seattle. visit all the places that I have visited about 1230272332399837 times over the past year, and pretty much every time I went was because someone was visiting, like mom, yen lin, nick fung, and a.y. and sunday, when I was about to go to pro club, yim called and asked if I could show her friend around MS campus, and it turned out it was jhonny from Cornell ! I start to have some 心得 regarding the best route for tour. hopefully my tour quality will get better and better.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
人生真的是很難預測,平時過的好好的,很容易就忘記這一點,take everything for granted。
前一陣子 Nick Fung 來,跟 Hanna 聊天的時候知道以前的一個同學 Ian 血癌過世了,他第一次剛近醫院還在昏迷的時候我還去看過他。
住在我隔壁樓上的人,剛來 Microsoft 四個月,就因為天外飛來的橫禍,死了。
Nothing, especially life, should be taken for granted.
前一陣子 Nick Fung 來,跟 Hanna 聊天的時候知道以前的一個同學 Ian 血癌過世了,他第一次剛近醫院還在昏迷的時候我還去看過他。
住在我隔壁樓上的人,剛來 Microsoft 四個月,就因為天外飛來的橫禍,死了。
Nothing, especially life, should be taken for granted.
新年快樂,2006 回顧
我個人國小畢業不需要在寫“新年新希望"以後就再也沒有什麼實際的 New Year Resolution。不過2006 還是個蠻值得回顧的一年,所以就回顧一下。
開始有 reasonable 的薪水,讓我可以過著我想要過的生活品質
終於買了 key board
有了surround sound system
Experience people having new born baby around me.
開始有 reasonable 的薪水,讓我可以過著我想要過的生活品質
終於買了 key board
有了surround sound system
Experience people having new born baby around me.
Part I
Sex Work in Thailand
雖然剛剛看到這些 comment 有一些其他的想法,但是 in general 還是蠻令人難過的。這個世界上,還是有很多女生必須非自願(debatable)的做這些事情。Just quickly try to imaging that picture, try to feel how they feel, it's very depressing. People feel uncomfortable being mentally or psychologically naked in front of people, it'd just be so much worse to be physically naked.
Part II
Yuan Fen is very interesting, well... i mean, 緣份是很有趣的東西。今天跟爸媽去一家日本料理店吃晚餐,遇到 Yim 跟他男朋友。巧的是上次我爸媽來的時候我們在 IKEA 遇到他們,這次又是在爸媽來的時候遇到他們,而且這家電視 Yim 帶我來的。
The depressing part was how she seemed to be very happy with her boy friend. of course I am not hoping she'd be unhappy, I am just saying it's said to see how they are together, and I have already broken up with yen lin. :(
Sex Work in Thailand
雖然剛剛看到這些 comment 有一些其他的想法,但是 in general 還是蠻令人難過的。這個世界上,還是有很多女生必須非自願(debatable)的做這些事情。Just quickly try to imaging that picture, try to feel how they feel, it's very depressing. People feel uncomfortable being mentally or psychologically naked in front of people, it'd just be so much worse to be physically naked.
Part II
Yuan Fen is very interesting, well... i mean, 緣份是很有趣的東西。今天跟爸媽去一家日本料理店吃晚餐,遇到 Yim 跟他男朋友。巧的是上次我爸媽來的時候我們在 IKEA 遇到他們,這次又是在爸媽來的時候遇到他們,而且這家電視 Yim 帶我來的。
The depressing part was how she seemed to be very happy with her boy friend. of course I am not hoping she'd be unhappy, I am just saying it's said to see how they are together, and I have already broken up with yen lin. :(
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Much to write.. can never catch up...
I always have stuff piled up in my brain that I want to write.. but time time time time time.... it appears that ever since after New year, I have been fighting with time almost 24/7. Every minute I have in the office is fight against time. SOOOO BUSY!! it's not even funny... boss keeps knocking at your door for this and that... u just can't keep up. the volume of work that come to you, way.... out rate the amount of work you get done... MS is really trying to squeeze every bit out of us...much impossible goad.... @_@... i don't even know if this is good or bad.. good? it's a... challenge??? bad??? cuz it's just unrealistic??
well... anyhow..... no matter what.. like I wrote on my MSN.. "Friends are... great... :) "
SERIOUSLY.. friends are awesome. last frieday, diana yi lun and i went for 火鍋 after work.. then we dropped off diana for a party she had to go to.. yi lun and i just go to a bubble tea place and chat.. then we pick up diana .. then we went to sing...
this part .. though doesn't sound that exciting.. trust me... i appreciate a lot.. it's really a great thing for me to have friends that I can do such things.. Even better... while we were driving back yi lun dropped a note "hey thanks guys.. I feel much better from my stressed now.." apprently... both he and I were seriously under much stress last week from work.. and without knoinwg... this little evening we spend together really was a great thing not only for me but also for him... friends... really are great......
HERE IS MORE... last week wang wei lin all of a sudden called me a woke me up! she just called cuz she hasn't seen me on line for a while and wanted to check how I am... then after a few days... even 曹智雄 also invited me to chat for the sake of saying hi.. then jenny also contacted me, sunday or saturday en tzu also called.... and just yesterday Jasmine said hi online too.... !!! this is so awesome.... ( althoug i don't really quite get why they always come in batch ) friends are great....
especially thanks to en tzu.. not only you are one of the few who actually reads my blog... at the end I realized that you called just to check on me after you read my blog.. thanks! so nice of you...
hum... now.... not sure how to end this..... well...... lov you all~ :)
well... anyhow..... no matter what.. like I wrote on my MSN.. "Friends are... great... :) "
SERIOUSLY.. friends are awesome. last frieday, diana yi lun and i went for 火鍋 after work.. then we dropped off diana for a party she had to go to.. yi lun and i just go to a bubble tea place and chat.. then we pick up diana .. then we went to sing...
this part .. though doesn't sound that exciting.. trust me... i appreciate a lot.. it's really a great thing for me to have friends that I can do such things.. Even better... while we were driving back yi lun dropped a note "hey thanks guys.. I feel much better from my stressed now.." apprently... both he and I were seriously under much stress last week from work.. and without knoinwg... this little evening we spend together really was a great thing not only for me but also for him... friends... really are great......
HERE IS MORE... last week wang wei lin all of a sudden called me a woke me up! she just called cuz she hasn't seen me on line for a while and wanted to check how I am... then after a few days... even 曹智雄 also invited me to chat for the sake of saying hi.. then jenny also contacted me, sunday or saturday en tzu also called.... and just yesterday Jasmine said hi online too.... !!! this is so awesome.... ( althoug i don't really quite get why they always come in batch ) friends are great....
especially thanks to en tzu.. not only you are one of the few who actually reads my blog... at the end I realized that you called just to check on me after you read my blog.. thanks! so nice of you...
hum... now.... not sure how to end this..... well...... lov you all~ :)
Friday, January 19, 2007
So.. apprently, I find it really hard to keep up blogging. once a while you'd have plenty of time then you'll write a lot, then all of a sudden you are busy. you go straight to work right after you wake up. you come home it can be 10 pm, and after 2 hour, you'd wanna be asleep. or it could be 8, then you are tired from the day, you'd just wanna lie on the couch do some little TVing, and rest. it's really quite difficult to keep up, even if you have tons of topics in mind that you meant to write....
Thursday, January 18, 2007
來了 Seattle 見到好多名人
Bill Gates
Steve Balmer
This guy worked for motorola, apple, and microsoft, and now is the VP for google in Greater China.
apprently, he appears to be a very humble man. very sincere, and 很有親和力。a very very nice guy, with just a short encounter.
the funny thing is that, his talk was, of course.. at google, so a few of us just went to the google office after our work.. then we gradually met up a few other folks. well, it's not a surprise that majority people who were at the talk were from Microsoft, but the funny thing was that 6 of us were from the exactly the same product team. so at the end we were all joking how we didn't see each other.
who't the next?
Bill Gates
Steve Balmer
This guy worked for motorola, apple, and microsoft, and now is the VP for google in Greater China.
apprently, he appears to be a very humble man. very sincere, and 很有親和力。a very very nice guy, with just a short encounter.
the funny thing is that, his talk was, of course.. at google, so a few of us just went to the google office after our work.. then we gradually met up a few other folks. well, it's not a surprise that majority people who were at the talk were from Microsoft, but the funny thing was that 6 of us were from the exactly the same product team. so at the end we were all joking how we didn't see each other.
who't the next?
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Interesting Week! Nick Fung IS HERE!!
This weekend is an interesting one. 1) Diana is starting her snow board lessons ( not very interesting ) 2) YI Lun officially moves to his new BOUGHT apartment right next block to my RENT apartment.
Finlly... 3! One of my best friends, is visiting me, oops.. i mean.. is Laying Over in Seattle! Apprently, for some reason, they needed to come into the US though the Canadian border, so they flew to Canada and their friend drove them down to seattle, and they stay here for one night, then fly to LA on Sunday.
This was really cool. We havn't seen each other for 6 years. Hanna(another high school friend who is also in seattle) and I took him around and stuff, and he stayed at my place for a night, and we Wiied until 4 am. It is really nice to see him. He is the 4th person that I have met in the past half year who I had not met for years.
really great.... hope to see you soon nick...
he has not changed a bitl...
Finlly... 3! One of my best friends, is visiting me, oops.. i mean.. is Laying Over in Seattle! Apprently, for some reason, they needed to come into the US though the Canadian border, so they flew to Canada and their friend drove them down to seattle, and they stay here for one night, then fly to LA on Sunday.
This was really cool. We havn't seen each other for 6 years. Hanna(another high school friend who is also in seattle) and I took him around and stuff, and he stayed at my place for a night, and we Wiied until 4 am. It is really nice to see him. He is the 4th person that I have met in the past half year who I had not met for years.
really great.... hope to see you soon nick...
he has not changed a bitl...
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