Saturday, October 28, 2006

thanks everyone.

thanks everyone who has participated in my b day in one way or the other. while there were surprises, in a general sense, what I was anticipating all happened, which made it a pretty nice b day, that i felt like a circle was pieces by pieces completed. I konwn this is a weird analogy, but it really is how I felt. things happened one after this the other, calls one after ther other, and by the time who called, the circle was completed. no disaapointment. :) awesome. so really thanks everyone who has participated in anyway, because all of you together have completed my b day present.

but of couse I wanna thank yi lun and diana for the night that they planned. I had much fun being 3 yr old. and of course also the surprise on Sunday. I seriuosly did not gussed a bit of it. and of course thanks yi lun for his art work ~ :)

and finally, the one very last piece of the circle was completed by yen lin's pkg which I really wasn't anticipating. the content of the pkg was defintiley so very 用心。 thanks very much.

like some of you already know. Wednesday was actually pretty sucky. and I had been kinda depressed since Tuesday, because of work and stuff. so again, thanks for people here and there making my day better.


happy birthday to me. :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

dunno what i want..

man... this is pretty problematic man.. not even funny. i dunno what i want. life and people, what life and what people. do this or do that? wnat this or want that? all over i am all bothered by myself. i am not even sure how to express. it feels kinda of like... but at the same time also a little .... and now i realize that i really write this kind of entry a lot.. mumbling w/o really saying anything or expressing anything. don't get me wrong though.. i am in general happy. life in general is pretty good. but some times you get bothered by things right? yeah..... may... be... cuz it seem like i am bothered by things that is kind of far away from me. hun?? what?? i dunno.... anyway.... going to bed..... nite guys... sorry for this stupid entry.

Sunday, October 15, 2006



現在識星期六下午四點十八,本人現在躺在床上,看著一些很久沒有看得朋友的 blog ,不知道為什麼,已經很久沒有看遮些以前會看得 blog 了。 小雞現在的寫作風格,跟酪梨壽司有得拼。酪梨壽司仍然有狂多的粉絲,我完全覺得他應該要去選立委。
Alos logged into face, and 'poked' around a little. Finally added my pic.

Update on my side...

a few weks back, we had our company meeting. 去年我來 interview 的前一天,剛好是 company meeting. It is an interesting event, where a few tens of thouse and employee there, and also got some company spirit boost, products, see bill gates, and steve balmer, and TOYS~

another event that happen was that I went to a collegue's BABY Shower! this is so werid.... ti's like oh my god... everything is all so weird. like dinan said, we went to our collegues's place and now we are invited as friends, instead of friend's kids. we sit on the table talk as we are the real guest, instead guest's kid. now I am invited to a baby shower, because I am the dad's frined...... just a few weeks back, I went to my firnds's wedding, now I am going to my friend's BABY Shower... well... maybe you'd think if thie collegue is like 35 or s/t years old.. it's not as 'disturbing' but..... the fact is the Mom is only 25. it is so scary......... to me.... I know. i know.........i know it's all normal what so ever, it's just very hard for me to understand someone my age is having a kid... and she actually looks way much more mature than me.. not 'look' but 'behaviour'.

Then, we had yi lun's birthday...