Friday, December 01, 2006

Just Some Snow

So apprently Seattle does not know how to handle snow at all.

We came back on Monday, and it was actually snowing on Monday. By the time I arrive, snow was already gone. But the high way was crazy. Tuesday, I went to work, OMG, no body was there. I checked my e mail, and some of my collegues actually took 10 hours to get home by 3 am. OMG.

around 2 pm or so, our big big boss actually wrote an e mail, basically telling everyone to go home. he also wrote one in the morning to tell people not to come to work. Wednesday, my lead still took off. Thursday, two of my collegues still took off. basically it was too slippery to drive. And the forecast said that it was going to snow again on Wednesday, so everyone again took off around 2, I left around 4 too.

it's so awesome. just like 0.5 inch of snow, we get like a snow day... oh.. no i mean.. snow WEEEK. it's like an extended break. everyone says they are going to work from home. I SERIOUSLY wonder if people really work when they are at home. maybe a little, i'd bet most likely not as much as if they were in the offfice.

See the real problem is that, no one really tries to get rid of snow, while it's snowing. You are supposed to spread Salt and Sand all over the place, but no body does that. So snow quickly become ice, and it becomes too ice to drive, so everyone drive like 1 mile per hour on high way.

If this bit of snow makes the 天下大亂 for 3 days... I think winsconsin should simply close down for winter. no schoo and no work during winter.. :)


enne said...

i wish i were there... i haven't had any days off b/c of snow since i came to chicago.

basically we don't even have every national holiday off, like columbus day. i think just until a few years ago, people had to go to class on the friday after thanksgiving... this was so wrong.

i envy you!

Eric Kuo said...

WOW! you are the fisrt ever to post a comment. :)