Tuesday, November 18, 2008


今天上我本來有 1:1 but then I didn't know my boss moved it early... so I actually missed it... then through out the whole day we had meeting all over the place.. so we ended up meeting at 6...

then went into the meeting.. having the regular type of work related talks.... and the at the end.. she was like :" oh.. and i have something to give you... " .. that was EXACTLY what she said last time when she gave me a promotion!! and indeed.. she gave me an envelope!

I am more than 100% shocked, and surprised, because...
1) this is not a usual promotion time
2) there are many people in my team who is waiting for a promotion..
3) my last promotion was relatively closer
4) it's not usual that one'd get promoted twice in 3 year!

I did not expect this at ALL!! not at all!! what a surprise.!

so happy !!

wanna thank mavis though... she's giving me so much support.. and being with her, I can still work like I have.. doesn't interrupt my life and work at all.. only adds to it !! =) THANK YOU!!

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