A couple weeks back, I saw a deal for a GPS system that was orinally 300 and on sale for 200. It was on sale for the next morning. Next morning I woke up and saw that the deal was still there, so I was very happy, and started to do a little bit of research. ( Actually I already did some, but just wanted to make sure that it is not crapy so it's so cheap, *most GPS are more than 300 bucks. which I think is BS ). So about 5 minutes later, after I was sure that this isn't a bad choice, I went back to Staple.com, and... yes... you're right... it's gone..
so I was very very mad! 不死心, Drove to two other physical Stables store, and surely they were all sold out. This particular event bothered me so much. Cause you rarealy see a 200 bucks GPS. There aren't even crappy ones that cose that little, and this one actually gets pretty good review.
I was so pissed. that for whole week whenever soemthing relates to GPS flips me out. and apprently, this behaviour of mine bothered Dinana.
So, just that week, she saw the deal again, and this time it's $198 dollars. So HURRIED to e mailed me to get it, and even treid to call me. I, on the other side, as as I got the e mail, I finished the trasaction in about 5 minutes. She was hoping that this little hope she offered can shut me up from complanning about not able to get that good deal GPS no more. :)
So.. finally.... I GOT my GPS!! one more on list gadget in my bag. one more step closer to gadget complete.
Apprently this cheap GPS is actually pretty good. It's so awesome that it found Frank's new hom the night b/f, and Wal-Mart for me last night. GPS = Awesome!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Grey's Anatomy
Have you seen Grey's Anatomy? I have not until this weekend. Diana is the big fan of it, so she sorta makes me watch it. I saw one current episode at her place once, I liked it, so she gave the whole season two DVD set. This weekend is black out, so.. me and yi lun watched.. hum... over two days... 7 episodes....
THIS IS SUCH A GREAT DRAMA. it's like OH MY GOD. like I said to yi lun.. I can probably blog for like 5 pages tonight. There is just way way way too much going on, and there is way way too much that you can talk about and think about. It's way way too thought provoking. I don't know if Diana watches it the same way as I do, I actually hope she doesn't. Because it actually really makes watching it very tiring. There is way too much to think about.
Well, after all, I am not going to blog for 5 pages, I'll just blog about this one of so many.
It actually kinda sad that, at the end of the day, it's a drama. and we don't live in any drama. Though I do think that this Doctor job sucks, and people are under just way too much pressure, so do we people who don't live in Grey's Anatomy. All of us are. Whether you are in school or at work. We all are under high pressure. But, unfortunately, we aren't in a drama, and we won't have an episode not being able to stop crying. Christina is under so much pressure, she holds in so much that it finally burst out, in the script, and the episode. And the fact is that we all do wish to have such an episode, an episode in life, and episode to be weak, to break down, to be like a baby, to be responsible free. Don't we? There is so much to suck up in life, and yet our script does not seem to include a natural break down on any page.
Yes this is not something to learn from the show, little dpressing it is, but definitely something to realize, or say.. reminded...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
這西雅圖真是搞笑,上次下個小雪,天下大亂,今天來個暴風雨,風其實真是蠻大的,然後搞得公司停電,我不能工作。現在 Redmond 跟 Bellevue 的路燈都沒電了。家裡的電燈,閃呀閃的。這個西亞提真是個貴夫人耶。如果是台灣的颱風,我看又一個月不用上班了,真是的。
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
其實剛開始我完全沒有在看,後來是因為比較閒一點,斷斷續續的看了幾集。後來去了 oklahoma ,回來又開始忙了,就沒有在努力看了,不過前幾天,又趕回來看了十五分鐘,看了以後,真的就很想知道發生了些什麼事情。
昨天,很早上班,然後就突然想說,去 YouTube 上面找找,看有沒有人有 POST這樣我就可以把 missed 掉的捕回來了。
星期五跟幾個人吃午飯,其中一個較長老的,跟我們說,這裡的小朋友,包括高中生,有 "2nd winter break",聽到的時候,我們幾個剛畢業的小朋友,驚聲尖叫,什麼????怎麼會有這種事??
hun?? 為什麼?為什麼有第二個 winter break?
因為這裡的冬天太 "miserable" .......................
這 ... 這..... 太可笑了吧。
hun?? 為什麼?為什麼有第二個 winter break?
因為這裡的冬天太 "miserable" .......................
這 ... 這..... 太可笑了吧。
我七點上班天是黑的,六點下班,天還是黑的。 -_-"
我七點上班天是黑的,六點下班,天還是黑的。 -_-"
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Portland 之旅
Saturday, yi lun, me dinana, frank and tina went for our first portland trip.
portland isn't such a great tourist, but then why do we drive 3 hours there?
Frank just moved to his newly bought house. and he's in need of stuff. he bought a set of bose speakers and also needed AV system. so he bought one in portland, with a rare discount and no sale tax, it's a pretty awesome deal.
but, if he just goes alone, he'd not really make it up for gas, so we all tagged alone. went to the outlet, 每個人都殺紅了演。
it's really petty nice, for only $100 bucks, got bunch of stuff home.
sweet :)
portland isn't such a great tourist, but then why do we drive 3 hours there?
Frank just moved to his newly bought house. and he's in need of stuff. he bought a set of bose speakers and also needed AV system. so he bought one in portland, with a rare discount and no sale tax, it's a pretty awesome deal.
but, if he just goes alone, he'd not really make it up for gas, so we all tagged alone. went to the outlet, 每個人都殺紅了演。
it's really petty nice, for only $100 bucks, got bunch of stuff home.
sweet :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
first foot ball game in bar and first Office Holiday Party
今天是 Office (這裡所謂的 Office 指的是個產品,而不是辦公室的意思)的 party。
去以前,跟 Diana 去看了我人生的第一個 foot ball game in a bar. 這算是我人生的小小遺憾,在uw沒有去看過一次football。
i finally learnt how to watch one. it was a pretty good game.
then we came back to dress up and go to the party. diana came to my place to change, and myself, spent freaking half hour to find the sweater I want. so sorry...
it wasn't that good, though it was pretty big. got food and casino.
wasn't all that fun, but still a good event to attend and pretend to relax.. oh.. and drink for free....
pic to come..
去以前,跟 Diana 去看了我人生的第一個 foot ball game in a bar. 這算是我人生的小小遺憾,在uw沒有去看過一次football。
i finally learnt how to watch one. it was a pretty good game.
then we came back to dress up and go to the party. diana came to my place to change, and myself, spent freaking half hour to find the sweater I want. so sorry...
it wasn't that good, though it was pretty big. got food and casino.
wasn't all that fun, but still a good event to attend and pretend to relax.. oh.. and drink for free....
pic to come..
Friday, December 01, 2006
Just Some Snow
So apprently Seattle does not know how to handle snow at all.
We came back on Monday, and it was actually snowing on Monday. By the time I arrive, snow was already gone. But the high way was crazy. Tuesday, I went to work, OMG, no body was there. I checked my e mail, and some of my collegues actually took 10 hours to get home by 3 am. OMG.
around 2 pm or so, our big big boss actually wrote an e mail, basically telling everyone to go home. he also wrote one in the morning to tell people not to come to work. Wednesday, my lead still took off. Thursday, two of my collegues still took off. basically it was too slippery to drive. And the forecast said that it was going to snow again on Wednesday, so everyone again took off around 2, I left around 4 too.
it's so awesome. just like 0.5 inch of snow, we get like a snow day... oh.. no i mean.. snow WEEEK. it's like an extended break. everyone says they are going to work from home. I SERIOUSLY wonder if people really work when they are at home. maybe a little, i'd bet most likely not as much as if they were in the offfice.
See the real problem is that, no one really tries to get rid of snow, while it's snowing. You are supposed to spread Salt and Sand all over the place, but no body does that. So snow quickly become ice, and it becomes too ice to drive, so everyone drive like 1 mile per hour on high way.
If this bit of snow makes the 天下大亂 for 3 days... I think winsconsin should simply close down for winter. no schoo and no work during winter.. :)
We came back on Monday, and it was actually snowing on Monday. By the time I arrive, snow was already gone. But the high way was crazy. Tuesday, I went to work, OMG, no body was there. I checked my e mail, and some of my collegues actually took 10 hours to get home by 3 am. OMG.
around 2 pm or so, our big big boss actually wrote an e mail, basically telling everyone to go home. he also wrote one in the morning to tell people not to come to work. Wednesday, my lead still took off. Thursday, two of my collegues still took off. basically it was too slippery to drive. And the forecast said that it was going to snow again on Wednesday, so everyone again took off around 2, I left around 4 too.
it's so awesome. just like 0.5 inch of snow, we get like a snow day... oh.. no i mean.. snow WEEEK. it's like an extended break. everyone says they are going to work from home. I SERIOUSLY wonder if people really work when they are at home. maybe a little, i'd bet most likely not as much as if they were in the offfice.
See the real problem is that, no one really tries to get rid of snow, while it's snowing. You are supposed to spread Salt and Sand all over the place, but no body does that. So snow quickly become ice, and it becomes too ice to drive, so everyone drive like 1 mile per hour on high way.
If this bit of snow makes the 天下大亂 for 3 days... I think winsconsin should simply close down for winter. no schoo and no work during winter.. :)
Friday night... after work.. diana went to a sonic game, me and yi lun were so........... bored....
the only good thing was that we tired out a new Taiwanese restaraunt that's really actdually pertty nicely good. it's the best 台灣小吃 i have had in the US. thought the carge everything as if they are full course meal. you know how small 小吃 are.. and they chart as much as a real dish, so.. it ended up pretty expensive. awesome place to go, but can't go often.
but then we were so bored... no where to go in bellevue, ended up using poker cards to play 五子棋跟圈圈叉叉。we don't do bars, and don't feel like driving so far away to go to bubble tea place. didn't feel like watching movie... and ended up no where to go... sigh.........
this place is pretty boring !!
the only good thing was that we tired out a new Taiwanese restaraunt that's really actdually pertty nicely good. it's the best 台灣小吃 i have had in the US. thought the carge everything as if they are full course meal. you know how small 小吃 are.. and they chart as much as a real dish, so.. it ended up pretty expensive. awesome place to go, but can't go often.
but then we were so bored... no where to go in bellevue, ended up using poker cards to play 五子棋跟圈圈叉叉。we don't do bars, and don't feel like driving so far away to go to bubble tea place. didn't feel like watching movie... and ended up no where to go... sigh.........
this place is pretty boring !!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
沒有 Title
無論如何,這事情,跟前幾天發生在我家的事情,真的是,提醒大家,命,真的是很難說的。我知道,這些都是些廢話,說了也是白說,不過,人活久了,很容易 take for granted。忘了,能夠活著,是個 previlige。
無論如何,這事情,跟前幾天發生在我家的事情,真的是,提醒大家,命,真的是很難說的。我知道,這些都是些廢話,說了也是白說,不過,人活久了,很容易 take for granted。忘了,能夠活著,是個 previlige。
Sunday, November 19, 2006
大家,生日快樂 (STOLEN)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Hello Everyone, I am alive.
Hello everyone. I am glad that I can sit here in the office now Friday afternoon to write this post. Life is unexpected, and you will never know when you'll die. But regardless, I haven't, which is good.
Thursday, yesterday was a very interesting day... Today is EnTzu's Birthday, today is the day I go to the homeland security office to do my biometric collection for green card. Today is also the day my team, the test team, will sign off our product for CTP1 ( this means we will have the final say that our product is good to release to the public, finally, CTP means a preview version, traditionally called 'beta' )
So after I went to the biometric thingy, I still came back to the office because I knew that I have a few tests that failed and I need to get them working so my team can have the final say 'it's good, we can release.' so I got to the office around 4:30.
After a bit of work, everything was all good and happy by 6 pm. Then Diana, out of usual, actually has to stay later for her work. I decided to give yi lun who has been on training for the past 3 days a call and see if he's back home.
Apparently, timing was perfect, he just reached, unfortunately, again, out of usual, his car is out of battery. His car is like his second life. So I drove my car, dropped a few friends of his that he made in the trainning, and we WENT BACK TO MY APPARTMENT to get my jump start kit. ( as i am writing , I just realized that it's only a few minutes after that it happened. )
Then we came back to office, jump starts his car, went out to run for a while to cahrge the batter then came back to the office to wait for dinana. It is very very unusual for diana to stay that late especially for Thursday, because of her Grey's Anatomy show. So after she was done, we decided to get pizza and go to her place to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy.
After Grey's Anatomy, we watched something else, and around 11:30 pm, Yi lun said he's gonna go home. So we left.
Just right before we left, her TiVO recorded a piece of news, it was talking about how the cranes in bellevue have been having problems ( i think I heard killing people, but I am not sure ) and I even responded 'oh... man.. there are so many of those now in bellevue because of all the constructions)
then after I went home, I was rerouted when I arrived Bellevue, which is not very unusal, they rerout people all the time because of constructions everywhere. Then I made a few small turn, go into the stree of my building, "holy shit.... polices all over the place and the fireman..."
While I saw that crane right in front of my building, I really couldn't see if it hits MY appartment. After looking around a bit, I called yi lun and asked if I could stay at his place, because the whole building closed donw.
After I got to his place, we saw the news, then I realized that one person was killing for this incident.
Then after a few more shots, we couldn't really see where I actually live, and we kinnda assumed that it didn't hit my apartment, otherwise it would have shown it.
Now here you see the picture, thank I was not there, and thank got I live next to it. Acoording to the news, it happen around 7:45 pm.
Man... I seriously have been thinking about writing my will. You really don't know when you might die.....
I dunno why it's not show, so click on it, it'll show in a new window.
More photos here.
Thursday, yesterday was a very interesting day... Today is EnTzu's Birthday, today is the day I go to the homeland security office to do my biometric collection for green card. Today is also the day my team, the test team, will sign off our product for CTP1 ( this means we will have the final say that our product is good to release to the public, finally, CTP means a preview version, traditionally called 'beta' )
So after I went to the biometric thingy, I still came back to the office because I knew that I have a few tests that failed and I need to get them working so my team can have the final say 'it's good, we can release.' so I got to the office around 4:30.
After a bit of work, everything was all good and happy by 6 pm. Then Diana, out of usual, actually has to stay later for her work. I decided to give yi lun who has been on training for the past 3 days a call and see if he's back home.
Apparently, timing was perfect, he just reached, unfortunately, again, out of usual, his car is out of battery. His car is like his second life. So I drove my car, dropped a few friends of his that he made in the trainning, and we WENT BACK TO MY APPARTMENT to get my jump start kit. ( as i am writing , I just realized that it's only a few minutes after that it happened. )
Then we came back to office, jump starts his car, went out to run for a while to cahrge the batter then came back to the office to wait for dinana. It is very very unusual for diana to stay that late especially for Thursday, because of her Grey's Anatomy show. So after she was done, we decided to get pizza and go to her place to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy.
After Grey's Anatomy, we watched something else, and around 11:30 pm, Yi lun said he's gonna go home. So we left.
Just right before we left, her TiVO recorded a piece of news, it was talking about how the cranes in bellevue have been having problems ( i think I heard killing people, but I am not sure ) and I even responded 'oh... man.. there are so many of those now in bellevue because of all the constructions)
then after I went home, I was rerouted when I arrived Bellevue, which is not very unusal, they rerout people all the time because of constructions everywhere. Then I made a few small turn, go into the stree of my building, "holy shit.... polices all over the place and the fireman..."
While I saw that crane right in front of my building, I really couldn't see if it hits MY appartment. After looking around a bit, I called yi lun and asked if I could stay at his place, because the whole building closed donw.
After I got to his place, we saw the news, then I realized that one person was killing for this incident.
Then after a few more shots, we couldn't really see where I actually live, and we kinnda assumed that it didn't hit my apartment, otherwise it would have shown it.
Now here you see the picture, thank I was not there, and thank got I live next to it. Acoording to the news, it happen around 7:45 pm.
Man... I seriously have been thinking about writing my will. You really don't know when you might die.....
I dunno why it's not show, so click on it, it'll show in a new window.
More photos here.
Monday, November 13, 2006
這個與,實在是太 depressing 了。每天都昏暗昏暗的gloomy。做天突然看到一私陽光,沒有雨,跟一倫兩個人興奮的在車上狂叫,像個神經病一樣,整個對好天氣的標準完全降低到零點以下。
這個與,實在是太 depressing 了。每天都昏暗昏暗的gloomy。做天突然看到一私陽光,沒有雨,跟一倫兩個人興奮的在車上狂叫,像個神經病一樣,整個對好天氣的標準完全降低到零點以下。
這個星期六, Frank 搬家!怎麼上了班以後,身邊的人都是在完成一些人生大事?有人結婚,有人生小孩,好多人買房子,Frank 夫婦就是那個買了房子的其中一個。昨天星期六下午,我們一起到他家集合,將他的所有家當班上車,他是租了一部搬家的uhaul,我不知道原本的plan是不是要來個幾趟,後來,我們就乾脆把所有塞不玩得東西全部塞上我們的車裡,還來我也把我的車開來(我跟yilun carpool),最後一輛,uhaul,加四台自用車,塞滿滿,一個大車隊,一起浩浩蕩蕩的開到frank的新家。
Friday, November 03, 2006
喔!!! SURPRISE!!!
man........ yi lun and diana.... thanks so much for all the surprises.
Friday, Nov. 3, around noon, while I was struggling with a surprise break in my BVT ( for people who don't know, just take this as a quite serious issue at my work ), yi lun and dinan dropped in with a box thrown on my desk and "Happy Birthday." I was totally shocked... not only was my reaction was already slowed down because of the BVT failure.. and I was blank for a few senconds.. like "hun..........." dude.. "what???????????" my birthday was 10 days ago, we already celebreated and yi lun already made me a 'going to be gift' ( see * )
then I opened it up... it was a 'FUCKING' CELL PHONE. man... so sorry for my language.. but 'freaking cell phone' just won't expresss my surprise. WOW!!
apprently, they know me well that they got a sonyericsson phone that "looks" so awesome. this phone is not sold in the US ( surprise......... @_@ ) and they bought one that's imported on line, and.. turns out it's from saudi arabia hahaha....
man.. this is SO AWESOME.. thought this is not the best model sonyericsson right now, I LOVE IT. serously. it looks realy nice. and that's all it matters. GOOD LOOKING, and can dial a call...may..be.. can do sms which is not even that important for me hahahaha......
thanks guys....
* so... for yi lun's b day, me and diana made him a 'wii' out of card board paper... becaue wii is only going to be pre ordered in a couple days after his b day, and getting the actual machine NEXT WEEK, and we know it's some thing that he definitely wants to get... we made him one out of paper....
for me... yi lun knows that I am getting a pair of bluetooth head phone from logitech that is also only being pre ordered... so they yi lun insisted in making one of that out of paper as well.. so for my b day.. i got a pair of fake head phones... which I actually have gussed.. but I was definitely not anticipating another surprise of this phoen... :)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
so today is holloween. over the weekend, people on my team has been putting up decorations in the hall way to setup for halloween for today. I didn't do too much, wasn't too involved. i didn't know how much of a deal it really is.
over the weekend, I didn't do any celebration at all. unlike in college, I didn't go to any parties. and I actually didn't see any one dress up or any parties.
then today, Tuesday, is finally the day.. and man... we do get some really nice decorations. BUT. to me the real fun part is really not the decoration ( the decoraion is actually god damn fxxx annoying. imaging, all the halls ways are full of spider webs... -_-|| I literally was crawling the whole morning... or day.. ) , the real fun part was to see all the kids dress up..
GOD! THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE.... it's unbelievable how cute they are.
in college, you see crazy, funny, weird costumes... today... i see all the kids in costumes... so.. very very very cute... i'lll get some photo up later if I can. though I was shooting video all the time. it's such a very different halloween perspective.
over the weekend, I didn't do any celebration at all. unlike in college, I didn't go to any parties. and I actually didn't see any one dress up or any parties.
then today, Tuesday, is finally the day.. and man... we do get some really nice decorations. BUT. to me the real fun part is really not the decoration ( the decoraion is actually god damn fxxx annoying. imaging, all the halls ways are full of spider webs... -_-|| I literally was crawling the whole morning... or day.. ) , the real fun part was to see all the kids dress up..
GOD! THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE.... it's unbelievable how cute they are.
in college, you see crazy, funny, weird costumes... today... i see all the kids in costumes... so.. very very very cute... i'lll get some photo up later if I can. though I was shooting video all the time. it's such a very different halloween perspective.
my bath tub has been stucked for the past month, and it just get worse and worse to a point it's pretty much very disgusting.
so this weekend, I thought if I'd just open it up, and really clean it, water will go into the drain, and everything will be all good. Apparently, I was way wrong.
I almost called our service, but then I thought i'd give it one more try, and go buy those solutions that you can pour in it and it will clean the shit inside the drain for you and give you drain back.
of course, I didn't have much expectation, because in general, you hear people say that it's bull shit and it doesn't work.
so went to target, bought it, came home at night. put a little in it, which I was supposed to put all of them in it, but then it just didn't go in, and leaked out already. so I waited for about 10 minutes and went do my things, came back. OH!! it actually went down. So, I thought .. well.. maybe it's because it had a long time, so it does go down the drain as it does with normal water, just takes a long time, THEN, I pour almost the whole thing in... AND... IT ALL WENT DOWN!!!! at the end, still a bit of it leaked out, can couldn't go to, but after a wait of a few seconds, it went in again.
so I left it there for an hour just as the instruction says. then....OMG.. i came back, turn the hot water on ( as instructed... ) oh.... my ... god....... not only all the water went down the drain, with zero problem, I could actually even see the metal inside SHINNY!!!!!! IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!
I can't believe that it actually really works. ! I have my drain back, and I can do a little bath now ~ :)
Note: I told dinana the next day.. and she basically bought exactly the same solution before, and it totally DID NOT WORK. -_-"
i am a good boy.
I was again a good boy this weekend and have gone to gym to do a little badmiton and work out. I think i've been going in the past 3 weekends? maybe? I really really wish that I have the determination to go every other day, and do enough that could really puff my up, but i know i simply don't have that a bit at all.
Saturday night, yi lun called me up for "The Prestige".. hum.. it was an interesting movie which I didn't like. i guess i didn't like it because the movie was so dark from almost pretty much the very first minute. she first died. then he changed. and he was always bad. then he became so bad. and at the end everyone was all so bad... and finally he died... i mean... man.. it makes me so depressed...
Saturday was also interesting, cuz Yim visited me. I have not seen her for a long time ever since she moved to seattle and amazon. she's totally an very interesting friend. I just can't describe it, but it's just a really really interesting friendship. I know she probably doesn't have a bit of idea of what I am saying, but to me it's just a very interesting friendship. :) haha.
Saturday night, yi lun called me up for "The Prestige".. hum.. it was an interesting movie which I didn't like. i guess i didn't like it because the movie was so dark from almost pretty much the very first minute. she first died. then he changed. and he was always bad. then he became so bad. and at the end everyone was all so bad... and finally he died... i mean... man.. it makes me so depressed...
Saturday was also interesting, cuz Yim visited me. I have not seen her for a long time ever since she moved to seattle and amazon. she's totally an very interesting friend. I just can't describe it, but it's just a really really interesting friendship. I know she probably doesn't have a bit of idea of what I am saying, but to me it's just a very interesting friendship. :) haha.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
thanks everyone.
thanks everyone who has participated in my b day in one way or the other. while there were surprises, in a general sense, what I was anticipating all happened, which made it a pretty nice b day, that i felt like a circle was pieces by pieces completed. I konwn this is a weird analogy, but it really is how I felt. things happened one after this the other, calls one after ther other, and by the time who called, the circle was completed. no disaapointment. :) awesome. so really thanks everyone who has participated in anyway, because all of you together have completed my b day present.
but of couse I wanna thank yi lun and diana for the night that they planned. I had much fun being 3 yr old. and of course also the surprise on Sunday. I seriuosly did not gussed a bit of it. and of course thanks yi lun for his art work ~ :)
and finally, the one very last piece of the circle was completed by yen lin's pkg which I really wasn't anticipating. the content of the pkg was defintiley so very 用心。 thanks very much.
like some of you already know. Wednesday was actually pretty sucky. and I had been kinda depressed since Tuesday, because of work and stuff. so again, thanks for people here and there making my day better.
happy birthday to me. :)
but of couse I wanna thank yi lun and diana for the night that they planned. I had much fun being 3 yr old. and of course also the surprise on Sunday. I seriuosly did not gussed a bit of it. and of course thanks yi lun for his art work ~ :)
and finally, the one very last piece of the circle was completed by yen lin's pkg which I really wasn't anticipating. the content of the pkg was defintiley so very 用心。 thanks very much.
like some of you already know. Wednesday was actually pretty sucky. and I had been kinda depressed since Tuesday, because of work and stuff. so again, thanks for people here and there making my day better.
happy birthday to me. :)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
dunno what i want..
man... this is pretty problematic man.. not even funny. i dunno what i want. life and people, what life and what people. do this or do that? wnat this or want that? all over i am all bothered by myself. i am not even sure how to express. it feels kinda of like... but at the same time also a little .... and now i realize that i really write this kind of entry a lot.. mumbling w/o really saying anything or expressing anything. don't get me wrong though.. i am in general happy. life in general is pretty good. but some times you get bothered by things right? yeah..... may... be... cuz it seem like i am bothered by things that is kind of far away from me. hun?? what?? i dunno.... anyway.... going to bed..... nite guys... sorry for this stupid entry.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
現在識星期六下午四點十八,本人現在躺在床上,看著一些很久沒有看得朋友的 blog ,不知道為什麼,已經很久沒有看遮些以前會看得 blog 了。 小雞現在的寫作風格,跟酪梨壽司有得拼。酪梨壽司仍然有狂多的粉絲,我完全覺得他應該要去選立委。
Alos logged into face, and 'poked' around a little. Finally added my pic.
Update on my side...
a few weks back, we had our company meeting. 去年我來 interview 的前一天,剛好是 company meeting. It is an interesting event, where a few tens of thouse and employee there, and also got some company spirit boost, products, see bill gates, and steve balmer, and TOYS~
another event that happen was that I went to a collegue's BABY Shower! this is so werid.... ti's like oh my god... everything is all so weird. like dinan said, we went to our collegues's place and now we are invited as friends, instead of friend's kids. we sit on the table talk as we are the real guest, instead guest's kid. now I am invited to a baby shower, because I am the dad's frined...... just a few weeks back, I went to my firnds's wedding, now I am going to my friend's BABY Shower... well... maybe you'd think if thie collegue is like 35 or s/t years old.. it's not as 'disturbing' but..... the fact is the Mom is only 25. it is so scary......... to me.... I know. i know.........i know it's all normal what so ever, it's just very hard for me to understand someone my age is having a kid... and she actually looks way much more mature than me.. not 'look' but 'behaviour'.
Then, we had yi lun's birthday...
現在識星期六下午四點十八,本人現在躺在床上,看著一些很久沒有看得朋友的 blog ,不知道為什麼,已經很久沒有看遮些以前會看得 blog 了。 小雞現在的寫作風格,跟酪梨壽司有得拼。酪梨壽司仍然有狂多的粉絲,我完全覺得他應該要去選立委。
Alos logged into face, and 'poked' around a little. Finally added my pic.
Update on my side...
a few weks back, we had our company meeting. 去年我來 interview 的前一天,剛好是 company meeting. It is an interesting event, where a few tens of thouse and employee there, and also got some company spirit boost, products, see bill gates, and steve balmer, and TOYS~
another event that happen was that I went to a collegue's BABY Shower! this is so werid.... ti's like oh my god... everything is all so weird. like dinan said, we went to our collegues's place and now we are invited as friends, instead of friend's kids. we sit on the table talk as we are the real guest, instead guest's kid. now I am invited to a baby shower, because I am the dad's frined...... just a few weeks back, I went to my firnds's wedding, now I am going to my friend's BABY Shower... well... maybe you'd think if thie collegue is like 35 or s/t years old.. it's not as 'disturbing' but..... the fact is the Mom is only 25. it is so scary......... to me.... I know. i know.........i know it's all normal what so ever, it's just very hard for me to understand someone my age is having a kid... and she actually looks way much more mature than me.. not 'look' but 'behaviour'.
Then, we had yi lun's birthday...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
wow... 我的人生還沒有這麼迷恍過
見到了第一年來美國實認識的一個朋友 daphne
還無意間的遇到了一個 family friend ( 極度非常的巧合)
Daphne 大概也六年沒有見了
但直到到今天,其實每一步也都中規中舉,除了能近任何一個specific學校是surprise 以外
每一步,其實都沒有太多的 surprise
身邊的朋友一個個開始結婚定下來了,怎麼這麼快?(前幾天才聽 Nick 說 我高中的暗戀學姊也結婚了)
讓我完全措手不及,就像現在這個如警鈴般的 二十五
見到了第一年來美國實認識的一個朋友 daphne
還無意間的遇到了一個 family friend ( 極度非常的巧合)
Daphne 大概也六年沒有見了
但直到到今天,其實每一步也都中規中舉,除了能近任何一個specific學校是surprise 以外
每一步,其實都沒有太多的 surprise
身邊的朋友一個個開始結婚定下來了,怎麼這麼快?(前幾天才聽 Nick 說 我高中的暗戀學姊也結婚了)
讓我完全措手不及,就像現在這個如警鈴般的 二十五
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
omg. so fast?
i called jenny the other day. she called me a few days back, but I wasn't able to talk. she went to our elementary school reunion, which I very much wanted to go.
we talked for quite a while, then towads the ends, I realized something that I never realized and is such a obvious fact that shocks me so much that again is as scary as my "friend" post.
both me and her are roughly 24. only 6 yrs b/f we are 30. and in fact her bf is about 30, and they have been together for more than 6 yrs. honestly, if she were not my friend, i'd easily think that hey... it's time to get married. 24 and 30. it's perfect marriage age. BUT. i totally totally totally can not imagine my friend, jenny, getting married, and be a wife. I really just can't. HUN???? what are you talking about? but... when u look at it... my god... she might very likely get married in like HUN? what?? 2 years??? in two years, jenny will be married.!! ................... sorry to any one who thinks i am weird... but this is just so ... I can't take it...
we talked about this, because.. actually.. one of our classmates got married.
how did this marry thing come so close in front of our face so sudden w/o me realizing it?? how? how did it happened??
we talked for quite a while, then towads the ends, I realized something that I never realized and is such a obvious fact that shocks me so much that again is as scary as my "friend" post.
both me and her are roughly 24. only 6 yrs b/f we are 30. and in fact her bf is about 30, and they have been together for more than 6 yrs. honestly, if she were not my friend, i'd easily think that hey... it's time to get married. 24 and 30. it's perfect marriage age. BUT. i totally totally totally can not imagine my friend, jenny, getting married, and be a wife. I really just can't. HUN???? what are you talking about? but... when u look at it... my god... she might very likely get married in like HUN? what?? 2 years??? in two years, jenny will be married.!! ................... sorry to any one who thinks i am weird... but this is just so ... I can't take it...
we talked about this, because.. actually.. one of our classmates got married.
how did this marry thing come so close in front of our face so sudden w/o me realizing it?? how? how did it happened??
more on friends....
來了這裡,認識了 diana 跟 yi lun。I don't think they have any idea what they mean to much.
It's hard to find friends, harder to find good friends, even harder to find friends who you can hang out daily, and do so much together. You need to be very much on the same frequency, in order to hang out for long period of time, large number of times, and have quality times. We have done so much together, and we had so much good time. This perhaps doesn't sound like a big deal to people, but apparantly, I have not had this kind of friendship for the past 5 years, when I was in coollege and grad school. I'd not have a frined who would bring me a drink when s/he goes out of the office. I didn't have friends who would ask me if I'd go freebee with them in the weekend, have lunch and dinner together, watch 3 god fathers together, move around office desks together, spend much time doing vacation prank together, cook for each other, letting each other know good stuff, good deal, and good fun to do. they are friends you feel so comfortable being with. you know you can virutally do any joke on them, and they'll never take it personally, sometimes, even when the jokes are so mean. friends that we know the care we have for each other. friends who you can give a call at 7 pm and go to lakeshore to hang out play freebee, until the sunsets. friends who would bother to joke on you. friends that you know you don't have to watch out what you say in front of them, you don't have to watch out how you behave, it's just plain easy, and just be yourself, true self.
I have no idea how to tell you guys, what this is. This really isn't a friendship that you can't find anywhere else in the world, but it IS a friendship that I have lost ever since I graduated from high school. this really is something so invalubale that I have gained, from moving here.
I don't think they know how much they mean to me.
but this really scares me. as much as I have so much of these feeling, and emotion, I do at the same time have so much attachment on them. this friendship, has, to me grown to a friendship that I depend on. I have grown dependant on this frienship. which also means, if I ever lose it, it will be BAD. very very BAD. AND also, I know, with the way MS is, one day, and doesn't have to be soon, one day, we will part. soon, one of us will move out of building 31, and this bond can very likely be broken. one of us, go to another team, unlike me, would quickly gather his or her new group of friends, and this bond we have at this very present time, will possibliy be broken. I am scared of that. but there is not much I can do about it. I am just like a little baby, will feel so sad, one day we lose it.
one day, they might see this post, if you ever do, let me thank you for this friendship. THANK YOU.
來了這裡,認識了 diana 跟 yi lun。I don't think they have any idea what they mean to much.
It's hard to find friends, harder to find good friends, even harder to find friends who you can hang out daily, and do so much together. You need to be very much on the same frequency, in order to hang out for long period of time, large number of times, and have quality times. We have done so much together, and we had so much good time. This perhaps doesn't sound like a big deal to people, but apparantly, I have not had this kind of friendship for the past 5 years, when I was in coollege and grad school. I'd not have a frined who would bring me a drink when s/he goes out of the office. I didn't have friends who would ask me if I'd go freebee with them in the weekend, have lunch and dinner together, watch 3 god fathers together, move around office desks together, spend much time doing vacation prank together, cook for each other, letting each other know good stuff, good deal, and good fun to do. they are friends you feel so comfortable being with. you know you can virutally do any joke on them, and they'll never take it personally, sometimes, even when the jokes are so mean. friends that we know the care we have for each other. friends who you can give a call at 7 pm and go to lakeshore to hang out play freebee, until the sunsets. friends who would bother to joke on you. friends that you know you don't have to watch out what you say in front of them, you don't have to watch out how you behave, it's just plain easy, and just be yourself, true self.
I have no idea how to tell you guys, what this is. This really isn't a friendship that you can't find anywhere else in the world, but it IS a friendship that I have lost ever since I graduated from high school. this really is something so invalubale that I have gained, from moving here.
I don't think they know how much they mean to me.
but this really scares me. as much as I have so much of these feeling, and emotion, I do at the same time have so much attachment on them. this friendship, has, to me grown to a friendship that I depend on. I have grown dependant on this frienship. which also means, if I ever lose it, it will be BAD. very very BAD. AND also, I know, with the way MS is, one day, and doesn't have to be soon, one day, we will part. soon, one of us will move out of building 31, and this bond can very likely be broken. one of us, go to another team, unlike me, would quickly gather his or her new group of friends, and this bond we have at this very present time, will possibliy be broken. I am scared of that. but there is not much I can do about it. I am just like a little baby, will feel so sad, one day we lose it.
one day, they might see this post, if you ever do, let me thank you for this friendship. THANK YOU.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
我的 monthly diary
晃眼間,我的 blog 已經成為 montly blog 了,從最後一篇到今天,發生了太多事情了
爸媽來了三星期,我看完了我的威風女友(天阿,已經好久以前的是了),他們回去後,我去了芝加哥換了個六個月的護照,見到林小雞。Diana 生日過了。然後yi lun 的媽回紐約了。艷林回了美國,馬上來找了我,然後又回學校要開使新的學其了。去看了被課和,然後現在 Diana 的媽又來了(我們這裡有部間斷的客人~),下星期要去看王建民。這中間,我完成了 Acceptance Test ,下星期 需要完成 Certification Test。差不多從爸媽他們來的前一個星期,我就開始暴忙,直到現在,真是暴忙。幾乎每天吃完飯就回公司。下星期,是我的 BVT 每天早上八點要到。真是太........忙了。
希望這樣足夠做我成為monthly blog的藉口
爸媽來了三星期,我看完了我的威風女友(天阿,已經好久以前的是了),他們回去後,我去了芝加哥換了個六個月的護照,見到林小雞。Diana 生日過了。然後yi lun 的媽回紐約了。艷林回了美國,馬上來找了我,然後又回學校要開使新的學其了。去看了被課和,然後現在 Diana 的媽又來了(我們這裡有部間斷的客人~),下星期要去看王建民。這中間,我完成了 Acceptance Test ,下星期 需要完成 Certification Test。差不多從爸媽他們來的前一個星期,我就開始暴忙,直到現在,真是暴忙。幾乎每天吃完飯就回公司。下星期,是我的 BVT 每天早上八點要到。真是太........忙了。
希望這樣足夠做我成為monthly blog的藉口
Monday, July 24, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mom&Dad Coming~
Tomorrow mom and dad are coming. this is the first time that I can drive to the airport to pick them up and take them back to my home. interesting... though i am excited.. i have not figured out what I can do with them.. i mean.. i can't drive them to seattle everymoning b/f I go to work.. that'd be crazily early for them.. and just way too much travel for me... and they surely want to visit seatle and not where I live..so... well.. we'll c....
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
嗯 ........ 好久沒寫了
我這個月來過的很好,在公司,交了兩個好朋友,Diana 跟 Yi Lun ,我們常 hang out,一起吃飯,一起看電影。Diana 的朋友來的時候,我們大家一起吃飯,感覺好像回到了高中的時候。有朋友的感覺真好。只是跟這一群人吃飯,我完全就老掉了,個個是十九,二十一歲的。不過他門倒是說我看起來不像有二十四,希望不是說給我爽的。
只是,其實我內心是有點點的小害怕的,很怕,交了好朋友,有了 attachment ,我很怕那種失去 attachment 的感覺,跟高中大學不一樣,沒有四年的 time frame,未來怎麼樣,誰都不知道。
我這個月來過的很好,在公司,交了兩個好朋友,Diana 跟 Yi Lun ,我們常 hang out,一起吃飯,一起看電影。Diana 的朋友來的時候,我們大家一起吃飯,感覺好像回到了高中的時候。有朋友的感覺真好。只是跟這一群人吃飯,我完全就老掉了,個個是十九,二十一歲的。不過他門倒是說我看起來不像有二十四,希望不是說給我爽的。
只是,其實我內心是有點點的小害怕的,很怕,交了好朋友,有了 attachment ,我很怕那種失去 attachment 的感覺,跟高中大學不一樣,沒有四年的 time frame,未來怎麼樣,誰都不知道。
Thursday, May 11, 2006
這結局 ......??
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
昨天 jenny 打電話來問我關於 UCSD 的事情,因為她的同事想要申請。然後就聊到關於美國跟台灣工作環境的不同。我聽了,覺得,我還是待在美過的好。那種在台灣,有著官階 difference 的環境,我應該是很難適應。在這裡,一切以能力為主,大家如國能力相當,不會因為我才來三個月,而講話沒有份量,從工作上的角度來看,每個人對於每個人所說得話都有同等的尊重,管你是四十歲,或是二十四歲。另一個更討厭的,是有人會說“你們國外回來的........."說這種話的人,真令我討厭。
昨天 jenny 打電話來問我關於 UCSD 的事情,因為她的同事想要申請。然後就聊到關於美國跟台灣工作環境的不同。我聽了,覺得,我還是待在美過的好。那種在台灣,有著官階 difference 的環境,我應該是很難適應。在這裡,一切以能力為主,大家如國能力相當,不會因為我才來三個月,而講話沒有份量,從工作上的角度來看,每個人對於每個人所說得話都有同等的尊重,管你是四十歲,或是二十四歲。另一個更討厭的,是有人會說“你們國外回來的........."說這種話的人,真令我討厭。
Monday, April 24, 2006
這個星期,終於忙起來了。meeting 一個接著一個,下個星期我要 hold 我第一次的 meeting 。 而且 3 of them in a row on Monday. 這下有趣了。這星期需要趕出一個文件出來,原本星期四晚上差不多弄好了,星期五早上,也完稿整理好,卻竟然不小心在下午的時候,將他 delete 掉(實際上部是這樣,不過簡單的說是這樣),所以害的我原本計畫辛苦了一個星期,要五點就回家的,卻又搞到七八點。
我想,接下,來應該就是忙,然後忙,然後忙下去了 ..... 真正的工作日子就這樣來了...
我想,接下,來應該就是忙,然後忙,然後忙下去了 ..... 真正的工作日子就這樣來了...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
今天恩慈小姐說我應該更新我的 blog.. 呵呵.. 的確
OMG ! 現在中天新聞有個白人,依格爾,用中文在介紹八里島的頂級飯店。
他 .... 他.... 他 .... 的中文會不會太好了一點阿??只有一點點點點點點的口音,但是他的中文真是太贊了。發音贊,完全是字正腔圓的台灣腔(不是台灣國語),用詞文句更是贊,句句有成語,這 .... 我看他的中文應該比我好@_@。
他 .... 他.... 他 .... 的中文會不會太好了一點阿??只有一點點點點點點的口音,但是他的中文真是太贊了。發音贊,完全是字正腔圓的台灣腔(不是台灣國語),用詞文句更是贊,句句有成語,這 .... 我看他的中文應該比我好@_@。
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
What the heck am I doing in the US?
It seems to have been one of the times that I try to connect back with my friends. I talked to chih hao, nick, and jasmine for a little. It seems like most of my good friends are all back to where they were from besides Chih Hao. Nick and his bro Dennis are back in hk. Nick is in a interier design. Erica is an artist in hk. jina is supposed to be in hk too. David is at 深圳。 Jasmine, Archi, Kalvin, and Jimmy are all in Taiwan.
so.. what the heck am I doing in the US??
oh.. and li chen is also in the US...
so.. what the heck am I doing in the US??
oh.. and li chen is also in the US...
Monday, April 10, 2006
這個星期,無意間看到了個網站,這個網站你可以跟很多人聊天,而且是視訊的聊天,不過其實你可以看得到他們,他們看不到你,你可以公開的跟大家一起跟他們聊天,或是你可以付錢跟他一對一的聊天,每分鐘兩塊錢美金,而網站抽成百分之五十,所以其中的一塊錢是給這些人的。聰明的人,這時就可以想到,這是什麼樣的東西。如果還想不到,在給你一點 hint ,裡面的人,絕大多數都是女生。是的,沒錯,希望你已經猜到了,當然,這些女生引誘你的花錢跟他一對一聊天的,當然就是... 近了一對一聊天的狀態,就可想而知的。
Monday, April 03, 2006
認識我的人都知道,其實我對於目前持續朝著 CS 的方向走,一直是有著遲疑的,因為我一直有著想要做 Psychology Research 的想法,因為我覺得 Psychology Research 對於對人類的需求有著更直接的幫助。對於有精神疾病的朋友們,這些 Research 是有多麼需要與重要,但是對於現在的軟體業,雖然都可以在給人們帶來新的便利,但皆是可有可無。
最近來了 Microsoft 的這一段時間,開始有了一點想法的改變,就是,如果我真的可以賺夠錢的話,其實我一樣可以對於 Psycology Research 這方面有所貢獻 by donation。相同的,雖然我真的有這種衝動,很想要就到和平國中,親身的幫助這一些學生,這一些家庭,不過或許如果我以後有能力,能夠給予金錢上的協助,也是間接變相的一種幫助。因為我也不可能親身的幫助每一個我想要幫助的人。
認識我的人都知道,其實我對於目前持續朝著 CS 的方向走,一直是有著遲疑的,因為我一直有著想要做 Psychology Research 的想法,因為我覺得 Psychology Research 對於對人類的需求有著更直接的幫助。對於有精神疾病的朋友們,這些 Research 是有多麼需要與重要,但是對於現在的軟體業,雖然都可以在給人們帶來新的便利,但皆是可有可無。
最近來了 Microsoft 的這一段時間,開始有了一點想法的改變,就是,如果我真的可以賺夠錢的話,其實我一樣可以對於 Psycology Research 這方面有所貢獻 by donation。相同的,雖然我真的有這種衝動,很想要就到和平國中,親身的幫助這一些學生,這一些家庭,不過或許如果我以後有能力,能夠給予金錢上的協助,也是間接變相的一種幫助。因為我也不可能親身的幫助每一個我想要幫助的人。
我昨天花想盡辦法要買個盒子,可以放我所有的信件的,竟然 target , container store 逛爛了,還是找不到個可以放信的盒子,真是不可思議。
我昨天花想盡辦法要買個盒子,可以放我所有的信件的,竟然 target , container store 逛爛了,還是找不到個可以放信的盒子,真是不可思議。
現在在這裡上班,有一個跟以前做學生很不一樣的一件事情,就是身邊很多人都是結了昏了,有了(多個)小孩的,滿滿皆是。我的 team 一共有八個人,其中只有三個男生是單身的,其他每一個都是有家室的,且只有一個沒有小孩,不過其實搭家也都不是老人家,所以小孩有都還算是小。
上個星期週末去了一個台灣同事家吃飯,被請去的六組人馬中,只有我是單身,只有一組夫妻是還沒有小孩的。當然, again 小孩其實也都還不大,所以當然他們很自然的會聊到小孩,其中最年長的一個爸爸就說了,“還是女兒好對不對,可以疼" ,我隔後好一段時間一直在想這件事情,嘗試著要體會,我覺得慢慢的可以體會,如果是男生阿,你跟他就會有要保持男生跟男生之間的距離,反而是女兒,沒有這樣的隔閡。
上個星期週末去了一個台灣同事家吃飯,被請去的六組人馬中,只有我是單身,只有一組夫妻是還沒有小孩的。當然, again 小孩其實也都還不大,所以當然他們很自然的會聊到小孩,其中最年長的一個爸爸就說了,“還是女兒好對不對,可以疼" ,我隔後好一段時間一直在想這件事情,嘗試著要體會,我覺得慢慢的可以體會,如果是男生阿,你跟他就會有要保持男生跟男生之間的距離,反而是女兒,沒有這樣的隔閡。
Thursday, March 30, 2006
我也要開始慢慢的讓自己的生活上 stable 的軌道了
慢慢 statble 慢慢 真的 settle 有著規律的生活
err.. 不是煮飯,是把生的東西加熱到不紅為止,呵呵
星期六,一個台灣的同事請我們幾個新來的台灣的 eomployee 去他家吃飯
我也要開始慢慢的讓自己的生活上 stable 的軌道了
慢慢 statble 慢慢 真的 settle 有著規律的生活
err.. 不是煮飯,是把生的東西加熱到不紅為止,呵呵
星期六,一個台灣的同事請我們幾個新來的台灣的 eomployee 去他家吃飯
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
過去這一個月真的是.... 沒有辦法形容
謝謝這一陣子艷琳跟 daphne 的 support。
過去這一個月真的是.... 沒有辦法形容
謝謝這一陣子艷琳跟 daphne 的 support。
Monday, February 27, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Apt finaly found.
Saturday morning the lady that was supposed to help me find an apt came, very on time. For the morning we visited roughly 6 to 7 apartments. Three on the redmond side and 3 on bellevue. The ones in redmond just doesn't interest me as much as those are old house style( they call garden style) type of apt, old design inside with old style cabinet. Surely they are livable, a bit cheaper, but the surrounding has very little, it's a real residential area.
Then we went to bellevue, one of them she was going to take me I actually already visited and liked and they aren't available. One she showed me was on my list, but for some reason I didn't go. Perhaps because they look so very fancy, I was a bit scared away. but this one I also like very much, it's also like the other two that I visited, having "IKEA" style.
I didn't put my deposit right away, because we had others to check out. After we are done, the lady suggested me to put in the deposit ASAP. Because it looks very likely that this will be my last only chance to get a reasonable ( reasonably in my high end expected budget )one bed room. She thought it's very strange, because usually the winter is like low season and have many things available ( she's done this so 10 years or something ) , so she suggested me not to wait until the 8th when the other two that I liked would know their availability.
I went back in the evening, and asked again and she told me that the one she showed me was gone.. and I was shocked, but then she said, it was her mistake that it was the other one that was available. So the really available one is on the ground floor, and you really don't get much sun light. I really hesitated, but this one is cheaper ( and smaller ). She told me about the other one, and that one was just a bit more than my Maximum expected budget, which will be on the upper floor. So eventually I asked her to hold the small one for me. and I really needed sometime to think about and need some other opinions.
at night, I called up mom, and we talked about it, and she suggested me to see the big one firs then decide.
Sunday, I went in and she told me..... the big one just got rented a 1-2 hours ago. -_-"" really a bummer. but she told me that there are other ones, one for 1095 and one for 1110. So I checked out the 1110 one, but couldn't c the 1095 one b/c it's still being cleaned up and stuff. But I asked to c them from outside and even the 940 one, and after a long long thought, I decided to go for the 1110. Yeah.. more than my expected budget, but the 1110 has so many advantages, it's on the higher floor, more privacy, it faces out to the street, again more privacy and definitely much more sun light, and it's bigger ( though this really isn't a issue). and also this one has a better floor plan, the 940 I really didn't know how I could put my bed.
Then we went to bellevue, one of them she was going to take me I actually already visited and liked and they aren't available. One she showed me was on my list, but for some reason I didn't go. Perhaps because they look so very fancy, I was a bit scared away. but this one I also like very much, it's also like the other two that I visited, having "IKEA" style.
I didn't put my deposit right away, because we had others to check out. After we are done, the lady suggested me to put in the deposit ASAP. Because it looks very likely that this will be my last only chance to get a reasonable ( reasonably in my high end expected budget )one bed room. She thought it's very strange, because usually the winter is like low season and have many things available ( she's done this so 10 years or something ) , so she suggested me not to wait until the 8th when the other two that I liked would know their availability.
I went back in the evening, and asked again and she told me that the one she showed me was gone.. and I was shocked, but then she said, it was her mistake that it was the other one that was available. So the really available one is on the ground floor, and you really don't get much sun light. I really hesitated, but this one is cheaper ( and smaller ). She told me about the other one, and that one was just a bit more than my Maximum expected budget, which will be on the upper floor. So eventually I asked her to hold the small one for me. and I really needed sometime to think about and need some other opinions.
at night, I called up mom, and we talked about it, and she suggested me to see the big one firs then decide.
Sunday, I went in and she told me..... the big one just got rented a 1-2 hours ago. -_-"" really a bummer. but she told me that there are other ones, one for 1095 and one for 1110. So I checked out the 1110 one, but couldn't c the 1095 one b/c it's still being cleaned up and stuff. But I asked to c them from outside and even the 940 one, and after a long long thought, I decided to go for the 1110. Yeah.. more than my expected budget, but the 1110 has so many advantages, it's on the higher floor, more privacy, it faces out to the street, again more privacy and definitely much more sun light, and it's bigger ( though this really isn't a issue). and also this one has a better floor plan, the 940 I really didn't know how I could put my bed.
Monday, January 30, 2006
my MS days...
just in case you don't realize it, I have been blogging my times at MS at
thinking about the future isn't fun
i dunny man... thinking about it is quite very scary. I dunno how long I can stay here, and how long I want to stay here. like many of you know, I really wanna be able to go back to TW. but I can't. Here, it's really pretty lonely. I am not good at making friends at all. ( this is actually so very shoking. it appears to me who I am now is almost toally reversed of who I was when I was a kid. I dunno what happened, and how and what have changed. ) It is so paradoxical to me as I am lonely , but I really dont' feel like having a roommate. I don't know and actually don't see how my colleagues will become my close friends who I can hang out with. Don't ask me why, right now I really just don't see that coming. If that is true, it will be so scary. how am I going to live through every fucking weekend YEAR after YEAR??
I have been wondering what T.G.I. Frieday means. I finally were able to find out last night that it means Thank God It's Frieday. But this was not the ponit to write it here. It was during the process, I realized how am I going to Fridays if I can't go with YenLin. well. i know you'd think that's stupid, but ever since I knew YenLin, I've only been here with her.
I have thought about how I will decorate my place once I get it. BUT, if I have no one to share with.. there is really no point.
Getting this job is cool in just a few perspectives, some of these perpective really isn't very cool at all.
I have been wondering what T.G.I. Frieday means. I finally were able to find out last night that it means Thank God It's Frieday. But this was not the ponit to write it here. It was during the process, I realized how am I going to Fridays if I can't go with YenLin. well. i know you'd think that's stupid, but ever since I knew YenLin, I've only been here with her.
I have thought about how I will decorate my place once I get it. BUT, if I have no one to share with.. there is really no point.
Getting this job is cool in just a few perspectives, some of these perpective really isn't very cool at all.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy New Year?
well.. happy new year everyone. I am not sure how i am happy new year over here, there really not much here.
Friday night, after work, even though I did really not much, I was so so so very tired. I guess even though I didn't do much actual work or thinking, I was feeling quite tense all the time. I was totally exhausted by the time I reached home which was i think even b/f 6:30. Made myself go out and eat at KFC ( dont' ask, I just feel like having kfc).
Saturday afternoon, I made myself drive to see two apts. I really like them. They are not like those old style, but the interior design were both ( same management btw) , like the receptionist put, IKEA like. unfortunately, and it will be a bit of problem, that is they have nothing avaible in Feb. and my place will expire in mid Feb. I really should've made my move much earlier. So I really have to figure out what to do now. Rent something bad earlier, or rent them for march and find some place to stay? If I keep staying in the place that was provided by MS, it's 120 a day, plus my storage that's like 4 bucks a day. @_@ no way can afford it. I still wanna c what they can show me, they means the tourist people MS provide to help me find a place to stay. Then rent here is around 660 to 1000 for stuiod and one bed room. One of them I liked had this loft thing, it's basically high ceiling and 2nd floor inside ).
Sunday, I made myself drive to Seattle. I was just hoping to get on the high way while I still have the rental car. Was hoping to get some good driving experience, but it was raining like crazy. It has been raining since Friday. I think it rains like more than 2/3 of the days in the year here in Seattle.
Friday night, after work, even though I did really not much, I was so so so very tired. I guess even though I didn't do much actual work or thinking, I was feeling quite tense all the time. I was totally exhausted by the time I reached home which was i think even b/f 6:30. Made myself go out and eat at KFC ( dont' ask, I just feel like having kfc).
Saturday afternoon, I made myself drive to see two apts. I really like them. They are not like those old style, but the interior design were both ( same management btw) , like the receptionist put, IKEA like. unfortunately, and it will be a bit of problem, that is they have nothing avaible in Feb. and my place will expire in mid Feb. I really should've made my move much earlier. So I really have to figure out what to do now. Rent something bad earlier, or rent them for march and find some place to stay? If I keep staying in the place that was provided by MS, it's 120 a day, plus my storage that's like 4 bucks a day. @_@ no way can afford it. I still wanna c what they can show me, they means the tourist people MS provide to help me find a place to stay. Then rent here is around 660 to 1000 for stuiod and one bed room. One of them I liked had this loft thing, it's basically high ceiling and 2nd floor inside ).
Sunday, I made myself drive to Seattle. I was just hoping to get on the high way while I still have the rental car. Was hoping to get some good driving experience, but it was raining like crazy. It has been raining since Friday. I think it rains like more than 2/3 of the days in the year here in Seattle.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Pretty sad.
It is pretty sad. All three Tennis players fail to get into the final. You are like, HUN?? when on earth does eric follow Tennis. Well, I don't. But recently when I get home I just turn the TV on, and surely recently they have been playing, so I just watched if I happen to turn to the channel and it is on. and you ask, so when on earth does eric have favorite Tennis players?? well.. I don't, but I just turn on TV, and watch it, and kind of decide right there who I wanna support. Base on what you ask. That's pretty simple, and I'll leave it for you to speculate. So Hingis lost Clijsters, Sharapova lost semi final, and finally Clijsters withdrew from semi final. Too bad lah.
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