Hello everyone. I am glad that I can sit here in the office now Friday afternoon to write this post. Life is unexpected, and you will never know when you'll die. But regardless, I haven't, which is good.
Thursday, yesterday was a very interesting day... Today is EnTzu's Birthday, today is the day I go to the homeland security office to do my biometric collection for green card. Today is also the day my team, the test team, will sign off our product for CTP1 ( this means we will have the final say that our product is good to release to the public, finally, CTP means a preview version, traditionally called 'beta' )
So after I went to the biometric thingy, I still came back to the office because I knew that I have a few tests that failed and I need to get them working so my team can have the final say 'it's good, we can release.' so I got to the office around 4:30.
After a bit of work, everything was all good and happy by 6 pm. Then Diana, out of usual, actually has to stay later for her work. I decided to give yi lun who has been on training for the past 3 days a call and see if he's back home.
Apparently, timing was perfect, he just reached, unfortunately, again, out of usual, his car is out of battery. His car is like his second life. So I drove my car, dropped a few friends of his that he made in the trainning, and we WENT BACK TO MY APPARTMENT to get my jump start kit. ( as i am writing , I just realized that it's only a few minutes after that it happened. )
Then we came back to office, jump starts his car, went out to run for a while to cahrge the batter then came back to the office to wait for dinana. It is very very unusual for diana to stay that late especially for Thursday, because of her Grey's Anatomy show. So after she was done, we decided to get pizza and go to her place to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy.
After Grey's Anatomy, we watched something else, and around 11:30 pm, Yi lun said he's gonna go home. So we left.
Just right before we left, her TiVO recorded a piece of news, it was talking about how the cranes in bellevue have been having problems ( i think I heard killing people, but I am not sure ) and I even responded 'oh... man.. there are so many of those now in bellevue because of all the constructions)
then after I went home, I was rerouted when I arrived Bellevue, which is not very unusal, they rerout people all the time because of constructions everywhere. Then I made a few small turn, go into the stree of my building, "holy shit.... polices all over the place and the fireman..."
While I saw that crane right in front of my building, I really couldn't see if it hits MY appartment. After looking around a bit, I called yi lun and asked if I could stay at his place, because the whole building closed donw.
After I got to his place, we saw the news, then I realized that one person was killing for this incident.
Then after a few more shots, we couldn't really see where I actually live, and we kinnda assumed that it didn't hit my apartment, otherwise it would have shown it.
Now here you see the picture, thank I was not there, and thank got I live next to it. Acoording to the news, it happen around 7:45 pm.
Man... I seriously have been thinking about writing my will. You really don't know when you might die.....
I dunno why it's not show, so click on it, it'll show in a new window.
More photos here.